Chapter 22:'I'll die laughing - which I don't want to.'

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Chapter 22:' I'll die laughing - which I don't want to.'

Shock. A word which we all might have listened or maybe also felt it. Our parents - and many elders - tell us to not play with electricity, as it will give us 'shock'. It can be pretty dangerous and make your body feel tingly - and not in a good way.

But what I experienced that day is not the shock I was talking about. It was a shock when we hear or learn something shocking (no pun intended). For example; it's that kind of shock when you learn that all your chocolate stash is empty or worst - when someone has eaten all your chocolates. Cue the shudder please.

So yeah, it was that kind of shock when I learned that Ally is adopted, when she told me five days ago. Well, it was not that much shocking because many people are adopted, but what surprised me was that it was bothering Ally so much. Not that I am heartless or anything, but I couldn't understand that why was she so much devastated over it. Well, this is exactly what I said to her that day.

"Ally," I patted her shoulder. "Not everyone is blessed with the blessing of parents." I didn't want to sound harsh or mocking.

"I know," She looked at me with eyes full of sadness. I think I just heard the cracking of my heart. "But imagine that you've lived your whole life with two persons, whom you call your mom and dad but then find out that they were not your real parents. They hid it from me for my whole life Susan, it's not effing fair. And what's worse is that I found out by eavesdropping. How's that fair? "Her voice cracks at the end. Uh oh, I just heard another crack of my heart.

It was then I realized that she has recently found out that she is adopted. And then, I realized all her sadness. I couldn't even imagine that my parents were not my real parents. Wait, I just did!

Anyways, back to the main point; we then shared some time, hugging each other and all the other girly stuff you don't need to know about. But I am glad that we had that moment because after that, Ally is being pretty normal.

So back to the present, we all are sitting on the table, which is now known as 'the popular table'. People have started to call us the popular group and where we all sit is known as the popular table. Cliché, I know.

And this popular group consists of James, Natalie, Alex, Me, Ally, Kelly and last but definitely not least, Parker. He has been sitting with us since the day we broke into the school. He is a fun person to be with and never lets you get bored.

"Guys," Ally calls out which turns everyone's attention to her. She has her mobile phone in her hand and she looks pretty engrossed in whatever she is doing.

"There is an unofficial website of our college, known as Gossip Willslow."

I choke on my drink and go into a coughing drink, which makes Parker pat my back and everyone else to roll their eyes.

"Continue," I say to Ally, once my coughing fit has subsided. But seriously, do these students have nothing better to do than creating a website of our College, just for gossip? I swear that people are getting weird day by day.

"Yeah, so basically it's a website in which the latest news of our College is posted, along with numerous charts which include, but not limited to; Ships, couples, hot persons etc." Ally continues while we all hear her carefully.

"Open the hot persons list; I am pretty sure that I'll be on top." James says like the cocky here he is and also earning a smack on head from Parker.

"Get over yourself," He says which makes me smile and give a high five to him. Ha! Take that James.

"I smell someone burning from jealousy," James sniffs and points his finger towards Parker.

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