Its a date

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K pov

Me: aye didn't you say you got Mari number?

Henry: yeah

Me: ask her can she give you love number for me

Henry: she said it's 555-get it yo self nah I'm just playing it 678-9347


MyGirl- who is this?

Me- Kalean

MyGirl- oh hi

Me- date tonight @8 be ready k

MyGirl- see ya later I guess I'll send you the address

Me- ight

end of the conversation

Love pov

I was getting ready for my date.I got in the shower and went to my closet and put on (MM). I text kalean and told him my address I heard a beat I put on black heels and ran downstair. I opened the door to a fancy Kaelan.

Me- wow not so thuggish

Kaelan- yeah you know

Me- let's go

Kaelan- alright

He opened the door for me I got in. He drove to Lancè. He opened the door for me walking in the restaurant. I saw my ex I hide my face.

Kaelan- Howard

We got a table right next to there I put my head on the table

Kaelan- you aight baby


I put my head up to see Xavier gone and smiled.

Me- yeah

K pov

She smiled at me. Her phone rang and she answered.

Love- Just meet me here..bye

Just then boss walked in looked around what the hell he looking for. He nodded towards us then walked over.

Boss- woah boy what you doing here

Me- chilling with my girl

Boss- so you've met my daughter

My mouth dropped opened.

What she was fye but dating my bosses daughter what if I slip and get a bitch pregnant one-time boss shot his girlfriend for being loud and yelling and was like" you see how quick I shot my girlfriend and I liked her just imagine how quick I would shoot you".

Love- hi dad

Boss- hi why you got makeup on

Love- umm

Boss- take it off

She went into her bag and grabbed a rag and took it off for us to see a black eye. She wasn't even my girlfriend officially but I was pissed.

Me- who did this to you

Love- Xavier Flores

Boss: where does he stay love and don't lie to me

Love- He stays at 578 Omar and Harris

I jumped up but before I left I actually kissed her and she kissed back. Then I left with the boss.

Boss: why didn't you tell me you knew my daughter

Me: I didn't know that was your daughter

I was still mad because he hit her.

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