Alot has happened

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I got up and Kalean wasn't there I grabbed my phone. I walked in the hallway hearing the noise again the maid came down the hallway I grabbed the key thing and unlocked the door I opened it and took a picture then closed it hard. I ran to the room and looked at the picture then I had to throw up.

Kalean- you alright

I wiped my mouth and rinsed out my mouth. I went to my phone and showed him the picture.

Me- no

Kalean- I ca-

Me- yeah right I'm leaving

Kalean- no Adrienne

Me- it's love you better-

I ran to the bathroom and threw up again.

Kalean- are yo-

I got up getting my stuff together. I walked out leaving him there. I walked past the girl then backed up

Me- I hope you like cheaters

Girl- there only cheat when you don't take care of them

Me- yeah and a hoe like you can do the job

I walked away got in the cab heading to my house.

Kalean pov

I ran out of my room trying to catch her by the time I got to the lobby doors her cab took off

Me: Vanessa do y u know where she went

Vanessa: she went home I guess

Me: I'm dead'

Vanessa: I have you to myself now baby

Me: no I don't want you, you were a mistake

Vanessa: whatever

(1 week later)

Mari pov

I was in the clinic waiting on my results.

Doctor: so it came out positive

Me- for what

Doctor: HIV/aids

Me- omg

I started crying my eyes out. I called Henry.

Henry- what mari

Me- you should know that you have HIV

Henry- no I don't

Mari- yeah you do because I have it and I just slept with you 2 days ago

Henry- damn!

He hung up I got up and left going to loves house....I knocked on the door.

Love- who is it

Me- its mari

Love- bae what's wrong come in

I walked in we sat on the couch and I told her she cried with me.

Love- your gonna get through this bae I love you okay

Me- I love you too

I hugged her tightly until she ran off and threw up. I wiped my tears and smiled.

Me- who you pregnant by

Love- kalean dumb ass

Me- awe

Love- no aw he cheated on me he better be happy I didn't tell my dad

Me- come on love have you talked to him

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