Wedding Ring

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I love him and he loves me but he wants to wait 2 years. I know it talks about this a lot. A lot can happen in 2 years I can't stay engaged that long. I took my ring off yesterday and put it back in the box. Kalean hasn't noticed which is a good thing. I took it off because I want to see what's going to happen in the next 6 months if we're still together and nothing has changed I will put it back on. I just can't look at it without thinking 2 years. 2 years! what will happen in that time is he gonna go back to jail, what if I lose him?

Kalean: aye love comes here

I walked upstairs to our bedroom. He had the ring box in his hand.

Kalean: why is this not on your finger

Me: k-

Kalean: don't beat around the bush love tells me right now

Me: I don't want to wear it

Kalean: why not!

Me: stop yelling at me

Kalean: my fiance doesn't want to wear her ring and you want me to stop yelling!!!

Me: yeah I want you to stop yelling

Kalean: just tell me!!

Me: fine I took it off because I can't wait for 2 years to marry you I can't look at that ring every day and think 2 years I just can't I'm sorry but I can't

Kalean: what wrongs

Me: I don't want to marry you in 2 years a lot can happen in 2 years what if I lose you kalean? All I'm gonna be left with an engagement ring

He came and he grabbed my hand.

Kalean: your not going to lose me, baby

Me: how do you know you're not invincible

Kalean: listen everything will be fine

Me: I'm not putting that ring back on

Kalean: why you gotta be so stubborn!

Me: do you not understand Kalean!!!

Kalean: what the fuck are you talking about love!

Me: you could die, or go back to jail leaving me and your daughter alone do you not understand!!!

Kalean: lo-

Me: no I'm done not putting it back on

I left out the room and went downstairs. He came down a little after.

Kalean: look I'll be back and then we can talk ight

Me: yeah whatever

Kalean: I love you

Me: goodbye

Kalean: man fucks you

He left out the house slamming the door. I can't stand him, god. 

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