Lovely Love

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Love pov 

Me and my best friend Mariana was bumping to music when my favorite song came on. We started rapping to the song.

Mari- girl whats wrong man

Me- my man ain't shit

Mari- girl whats wrong

Me- my man ain't shit

Mari- so why don't leave'em

Us- cause bitch dick too bomb

Then this car pulled up next to us. A lotta boys in the car, the one in the passenger seat as fine he bit lip and winked at me. I know I was blushing hard.

Mari- I know you are not blushing over there

She stood through the sunroof

Mari- aye boy in the passenger seat

Boy- whats good ma

Mari- my friend said you sexy

Boy- she sexy too

I was finna literally drive off I did when the light hit a drive with her up there or not. they started following us.

Me- why are they following us

Mari- I told them too

Me- why?

Mari- cause if he had you blushing like that you like him

Me- he was just cute and I'm still not over you know who

She looked at me crazy

Me- mari it's on-

Mari- 4 weeks

Me- I love him mari

Mari- did you forget the reason you got them glasses on, did you forget the r-

Me- okay I get

We pulled in Starbucks and they pulled up right next to us. I got out first.

K pov

Omg gosh shawty ass is big like she can make it clap damn forget ghetto booty. She had a body like Nicki Minaj she was lighter.

Me- hi I'm k

Her- what is yo name

Me- kalean and you are?

Her- love

Me- what a lovely name love

I made her blush she knew I was flirting with her but what she didn't know I was gonna hit and run

Henry- I bet you can't hit

Me- bet

We walked in the store she was ordering , we were sitting in a both her girl flirting with henry me flirting with her but she won't take over her sweatshirt o sunglasses. Maybe she was cold or she had a headache.


Henry: love what are you mixed with if you don't mind me asking

Love:Dominican, Japanese, and Indian.

Me: why won't you take that stuff off

Love: I'm cold

Mari: its hot as fuck

She gave her a look.

Love- anyways umm.. how old are you

Me- 21 you


Me- nice

Damn she still little.i guess henry was thinking the same thing.

Love- I'm playing with you I'm 20

Me- oh

Love- yup

Me- aren't you hot

Love- nah

Me- is love your real name

Love- no but you need to know all that

Mari- aye yo we gotta go dance class is in 20 minutes

Me- oh you dance

Love- yeah

Me- what type

Love- hip pop

Me- yall be like

I got up and started popping making them laugh

Love- something like that

Henry- get up and do something

They got up and spun and love hit the splits. Hell yes!!!

Me- kalean 1 henry 0

Love- but yeah I gotta go

They got up but I stopped love.

Me- we should do this again

Love- maybe

She walked past me and left.

Henry- 2 for henry 1 for k I got a number and a kiss boom!

Me- fuck you, nigga

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