Finally Home

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Adrianna pov

I was at home fixing me food for me and Mari. I was making Spaghetti when the door closed Damion was here. I continued to make food.

???- Baby?

I turned around. I cried in my spot it was kalean I froze he walked to be and hugged me I cried.

Kalean- Don't cry baby

Me- I missed you so much they cut visit and letters I had no way of talking to you and I really missed you I love you

Kalean- I missed you too baby and I love you where's my baby

Me- she's upstairs sleep

Kalean- I'll be back

He went upstairs. I wiped my tears off my cheeks with my hands. My baby is home and he came downstairs with a now crying Mari. I wiped my hands on my pants and grabbed her from him.

Kalean- she doesn't love me anymore

Me- she has to get used to you again she hasn't seen you in a long time

Kalean- I know that know so how are you

Me- if I said great I'd be lying

Kalean- come tell me

I put the food on low. He grabbed my hand and led me the living room.

Kalean- what's been up

Me- well the bills have gotten higher and higher so I got a job. I got fired because I had to get mari from the babysitter then no one would watch her. I barely have money to pay for food and CPS had been here twice. I don't know what to do

I put my head down and started crying.

Kalean- baby I'm here now

Me- I know but it's still stressing

I put my head up pushing my hair down.

Kalean- can I ask you a something

Me-yeah anything


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