Cute eric imagine for Melana

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Cute eric imagine for Melana

"Nooo please Melana can we just stay in, watch some movies and just chill together?" Your best friend Eric asked. You wanted to go out with the other boys and some girlfriends but him being your best friend of almost 6 years,he beat them.

"Fine but that means we watch what movie I want to see" you said with a smerk. He nodded and went to go get snacks and drinks.

You went to go change from your dress you already had on into some comfy sweats and a t-shirt. It was only eric so you really didn't care how you looked and he didn't either.

You came back into the living room to find Eric putting down blankets and pillows onto the floor along with snacks and drinks.

"Wow you out did yourself" you blurt out slightly scaring him.

You start to laugh at the startled look on his face. "Awwww did somebody get scared?" You say in a fake baby voice

"No. You just can't be jumping up at people! Girl that's how people get hurt" hr says back laughing. "I already know what movie you want so its all ready to go loca" he said with that beautiful smile of his.

You smile back at him and go over to the pillows and blankets he put on thr floor. He follows right behind you and sits next to you.

It's midway into the movie.

"Hey Melana?"


"Can I tell you something?"

"You just did but go on"

"Smartass, haha well..."

"Well what eric?"

"Um I think I love you"

You stayed quiet for a second before he continued:

"I have loved you for a long time. You're an amazing girl, one hell of a best friend, and damn you're beautiful. What I'm asking is.... will you be my girlfriend?"

You've felt the same way about him for a long time but had no idea he felt tbe same way too.

"Eric i've felt the same way for a long time Yes!" You hugged him tightly and when he let go he kissed your lips sweetly.

He got you in his arms and pulled you in tight onto the pillows to finish up the movie cuddled up in his arms.


Sorry for any typos haha hope you like it ♡

A/N: I'm back in the hospital because my foot and ankle got worse ): hopefully ill be writing more ♥

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