The Girl

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A phone rang, its tone bouncing off the walls in an empty room full of bookcases with dust covering the tops of books and shelves. The echoing click clack of dress shoes sputtered on the floor as a tall, lean man in a black suit grabbed for the phone that patiently sat on a desk, his deep voice answered the phone.

"This is Bryant. Understood. Send me the address and photo, you know the drill."

His straight lips curved into a small smile as he hung up the phone, placing it roughly in his pocket. As he walked out of the room he whistled a cheerful tune, his car keys spinning on his index finger. His tinted windows and the lack of street lights on the old dirt road at midnight made it hard for him to see as he zipped through the twists and turns of the road going south towards an old house at the top of a hill secluded from the tiny town he had just blown through. Flipping his headlights off as he approached the home the glow from the moon cast an eerie look to the run down home. He shut off his car 20 feet away from the home and took wide strides to the door, it was slightly open, cobwebs riddled the old, rotting beams that supported the roof. The home looked abandoned, it was dark and cold, but his eyes had adjusted to the night from the lack of light on the bumpy road, he heard the same tune he was just whistling at his office suddenly a creaking sound coming from a room to his left startled him, he watched his step knowing that old homes like that always had floorboards that would squeal once stepped on. He peaked around the corner of the room the sound came from to see the back of a rocking chair that faced out a large window, the moon glowing in illuminating the room and the top of someones head as it swayed back and forth. Pulling out his gun he reached for his silencer in his breast pocket of his coat.

"You don't need that, no one will hear the bang it'll make once you blow me away. Hell, no one will even notice I'm gone. Just make it quick Bryant." A woman's voice called out. Shock and fear surged through his body as the rocking chair came to a halt.

'I've been set up...those fuckers what the fuck is this? How did she know I was coming...or even who I am?'  He thought to himself as his hands felt numb.

"Don't be afraid dear. I've been waiting for you." she began to slowly rise, her long dark hair was cut unevenly and her skin was so white and it glowed in the light of the moon.

As she turned his eyes widened as he saw the bullet hole in her head, blood was running from the wound like a waterfall. Fear choked him, he stepped back the creaking of the floorboards made him jump as she began to walk towards him. As he turned to run, the front door he had left open slammed shut, as he reached it the doorknob wouldn't turn, he pulled with all his strength without success when he tried to ram it down with his shoulder. She was now only a few feet from him, her dead eyes fixated on him as she reached out for him. He ran into another room, a spider web clung to his face as he frantically searched for an escape.

"Do you remember me mister hitman?" she called out as he tried breaking a window with a chair he had found.

The chair broke into pieces as he felt her hands drape around his waist, he screamed and thrashed around but she wasn't there. His heart sputtered in his chest as he ran to another room searching for another way out when he stopped dead in his tracks. The living room next to the front door was filled with a few dozen people, all of them mangled in some form. Wounds varying from gunshots to the head, temple, chest, slit throats with blood gushing from the wounds, one man's intestines were bulging from his stomach. Bryant was paralyzed with fear and then his phone rang.

"Go ahead dear, answer it. It might be your next hit, pretty important I'd say." The woman he first encountered stepped forward from the crowd encouraging him.

It felt as though he had no control over his body as his hand reached for his phone.


"Bryant what is your location? We have a job for you and they only want the best man we have."

" sent me on a job already...Is this a fucking joke? Are these people in costumes?"

"What are you talking about? I haven't heard from you since your last hit-" and the line disconnected.

The woman began to laugh as she stepped towards Bryant.

"Do you remember us? I begged for my life. We all did but you laughed. You enjoyed it. And now we want to have some fun."

They all slowly surrounded him but he couldn't move, his feet felt as if they were glued to the floor. One by one they grabbed, scratched and tore at his flesh. The woman stuck her thumb in his eye, the blood squirting all over her dirty dress, her smile was wide and her eyes conveyed pure joy as his screams soon were muffled as they sewed his mouth shut.

He woke up in a panic, he was safely tucked into his bed, a sigh of relief escaped his mouth. He swung his feet off of the side of the bed he gazed out of his window, the moon brightened his dark room. A fog was coming in and as he looked down at his yard there she was, smiling at him with something in her hands. He quickly rubbed his eyes fearing he was just seeing things and once he opened them they all appeared, the people he had killed all stood beside her smiles from ear to ear embraced their faces.

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