The Cure

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"I've done it! I've finally found the cure to cancer!! I'll become rich and famous!" a short man in a lab coat exclaimed as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

He held the vile up with a smile from ear to ear as he stared at his cure with loving eyes. It had finally paid off, the eighty hour work weeks, sleeping in the lab at times, no social life or significant other to go home to. He imagined this was the same feeling a parent had when they first laid their eyes on their first born child-pure joy. It was midnight when he began to pack up his things, label the new cure and put it safely away in the lab fridge. As he turned the light off he stood at the doorway staring in the room, he quickly ran back to the fridge, pulled out the vile and kissed it with excitement.

"What a wonderful night! I think I'll go out and celebrate!" he said cheerfully as he passed one of his co-workers on his way to the elevator.

"Hey dude what's got you so happy? You've been so stressed lately."

"You can't tell anyone, but...I don't know if I should be telling you this...fuck it! I found the cure for cancer!" his eyes were lit up with glee.

"Wow man! Let me come celebrate with you! Congratulations man, you can save so many lives now!"

They headed to a bar down the street and began drinking heavily, the small man couldn't keep up with his co-worker who was much larger and drank more than him. He felt ill and ran to the bathroom, his co-worker followed and as soon as he got to the stall he puked.

"Man...I'm fucked up..I-I gotta go home....Don't tell anyone about my secret." he spoke in a slurred speech.

"Don't worry my man, I'll get you home safely."

After he took the incompasitated lightweight home he went back up to the lab and searched for the man's cure and notes leading up to how he discovered it. Searching through endless notes nothing made sense and then he heard something. At first it was a soft tap and then a loud groan, following the sound he came to a locked closet door. He had seen keys in his coworkers desk, he grabbed them slowly opening the door. It was dark, the noises had stopped as soon as he put the key in the door and then he saw it. A frail naked woman with what looked like open sores all over her body, she held her trembling hand in front of her eyes in attempts to shield the light.

"Oh fuck...are you okay?" He ran up to her wrapping his coat around her.

"Run...before it's too late." She replied with a cough.

"What has he done to you? Why are you in here?" He asked when he heard the door slam shut and the key twisting the lock behind him.

"You'll help me solve the cure, my other male specimen died last week. Thanks for being so naive and falling for my trap. It was easier than I thought. We'll start first thing tomorrow, sleep well my friend."

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