Monster Under My Bed

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"Honey, there is no such thing as a monster under your bed. Your brother is just trying to scare you that's all. Do you want me to check again?"

A little girl of 8 sat shivering in her covers afraid mom wouldn't come back up from checking for monsters. Her mom popped up after investigating with a smile.

"See honey? Nothing's there, I'll turn your night light on okay? Now get some sleep, tomorrow is your first day of school! How exciting right?"

The little girl eagerly nodded her head in agreement and her mom closed her door. She headed to her own room in the home they had recently moved in to a month prior, her room was a few feet from her daughters as her son's room was downstairs. Every night she checked for monsters under her daughters bed, sometimes even the closet. It was an older house so sometimes it creaked which didn't convince her daughter that monsters weren't real but it was maintained well, the landlords were a nice older couple that pretty much gave her the keys before they did a background/credit check because they loved her kids. They weren't even upset that they had to replace a window in the basement her son broke the first day moving in with his baseball. She plopped down on her bed and it sunk in a little, she was too tired to question her new bed and just thought she didn't assemble her bed frame properly or maybe one of the slats broke from the move and she didn't notice as she reassembled it and quickly fell asleep.

"Moooooommm!!!" she woke up to her daughter screaming shear terror in her voice.

She got up and ran to her daughters room, her door was slightly cracked open, as she rushed to her daughters side tears streamed down the child's cheeks.

"Honey what's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?"

"T-there's...a...m-mons-sster under m-my b-beeeeed! He was w-watching m-me sleeeeep! Hes un-dder my b-bed!!" she cried out with a wail in between sobs.

A slight fear washed over the mother as she stared down at her feet, maybe someone had broken in and meant to harm her daughter as she peacefully slept but she had woken up to see whomever it was. As she slowly knelt down to look she inhaled deeply, holding her breath. She had no weapon to protect them if someone was under the bed and she had left her phone on her nightstand but as she looked their was only a stuffed animal that had fallen off her child's bed at the other side. Grabbing it she placed the stuffed bear at her daughters side, kissing her forehead and wiping away her tears.

"Do you want to sleep with me tonight honey? It was just your bear down there, no monster but we have to conquer our fear of this monster that keeps bugging you." she said in a tired defeated voice.

She grabbed her daughters hand and they went back to bed. A few days later strange things began to occur, lights they had left on would randomly turn off, car keys would be moved to various places in the house after they were put on the key rack by the door, sometimes the doors would slam shut but no windows were open to allow a gust of wind to close them but they were such minor things that the mother ignored them as just weird things.

It was her son's 13th birthday and he wanted to have a sleep over with some friends, the plan was to stay up late and watch scary movies in the dark eating snacks. His 3 friends had come over at six o'clock, ate dinner and then cake right before the scary movie marathon began. It was midnight when she woke up to the boys screaming, as she ran downstairs she thought it might have just been a terrifying movie they had put on until she stopped dead in her tracks, her son was in tears and his friends were as well.


"You better not be trying to scare your sister, she's already convinced-"

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