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Angelina's was a homeless women's shelter located in the heart of downtown. Some women ran away from abusive spouses, others had just lost everything to drugs/alcohol, or they were mentally ill and some just tried starting over in a new city with new possibilities. The shelter had an on duty nurse and other staff members to assist them, but that didn't stop the few deaths that occurred there. Most were overdoses, others were suicides two were even murders. One woman always seemed to be talking to herself, laughing as if someone told her the funniest joke she's ever heard and sometimes she'd be in a heated argument and scream which would get her kicked out for the day. As soon as she'd walk outside she'd instantly calm down. One morning the nurse had come in to her shift and saw the woman sobbing and asked why she was upset.

"She's being mean to me again! Everyone ignores her but me and she's not being very nice today. She told me to go kill myself!" she cried.

"Well, you don't want to go an do that now do you?" the woman quickly shook her head no.

"She doesn't like you though because you help people. I do, I think you're nice. That is so rude L! Did you hear her fowl mouth?"

The nurse smiled and said, "No, but that's okay I don't need to know what she said. When she's being mean you can always talk to someone else for a bit. I can talk to you if I'm not busy, okay?"

The woman's face lit up with joy and she began speaking to herself once the nurse walked away. A few days later the nurse was in her tiny office when the toilet in the bathroom of her office flushed. Shrugging it off she continued typing away when the automatic paper towel dispenser began to shoot out paper towels, so much that the towels piled on the floor but once she got up it stopped. A few minutes later the faucet began to spit out black water, it stained the porcelain sink and she got up to talk to the staff members about the water thinking maybe a pipe blew out in the old shelter. Walking back in with head manager the water was off, the sink was clean. She apologized to the manager and just thought maybe she was tired and started seeing things since she had just gotten off a ten hour shift at the hospital and came down to the shelter to get an hour or two in and write her notes on a few patients. The next day she was talking with the manager once again, she was facing the hallway and the manager was standing in the doorway when she saw a woman in a big black coat with her hood on making her face impossible to see, walk past the office down the hallway leading to a restricted area that was only meant for staff to go down as it connected to a clinic next door which you had to have a key to get into. As the manager leaned back and was about to tell the woman she couldn't be back there, there was no one. Just the empty hall and locked door.

"You saw her right?"

"Y-yeah...what the hell? Where did she go? I saw her out of the corner of my eye...."

They both felt their hearts tighten as they checked the surveillance footage to see no one walk past the office. They saw the manager lean back and the nurse look confused and then the two walking away to check the footage. As soon as they had turned the corner her office door had closed, they watched as it opened when the nurse had come back into frame and she sat back down at her desk. They were too afraid to watch anything else, being blissfully unaware of the weird things that started to occur felt so much better than knowing something may be with her when she thought she was alone. A few days later the woman the nurse had talked to about her mean friend had popped in the office with a sad look on her face.

"Can I talk to you?" her voice was sad and small.

With a nod the feeble woman sat down across from the nurse staring at her hands.

"She wants me to tell you're next."

"What are you talking about? Okay, are you taking your medication? " Fear began to tighten the nurses throat.

"Have you seen her? I haven't seen her in awhile, I just heard her voice calling out. She wants you to join her and the others. I don't want to hear her anymore, she's starting to scare me."


"The ones she's killed before she died...and after. They looked like suicides...but noooooo nooo no they weren't. I don't want to die...I love breathing. I love cats and birds." the woman began to laugh as she rocked back and forth in the chair.

Standing the nurse escorted the woman out of the room locking the door behind them, and when she had come back she stopped dead in her tracks as her door was wide open, a noose was hanging from the bathroom ceiling, swinging back and forth. Staring at it in disbelief it slowly started to stop swaying from side to side and she fainted. The room was dark as she sat up, her head was pounding and she heard inaudible whispering all around her when one of the whispers became louder until it was a dreadfully shrill scream.


She woke up screaming, still lying on the floor of her office, some of the women living at the shelter ran towards her as she regained her breath. She asked to see the footage and when she watched it she was in disbelief, it just showed her talking to the woman then leading her out of the office, the video glitched and then showed her standing in the doorway, fainting soon after. There was no noose, no darkness just her falling to the floor and the women running to her as she sat up screaming. They sent her home, they just told her she had been working too many hours at the hospital and the shelter and she needed some rest. Once she got home she opened her laptop and researched the deaths at the shelter it made sense. Four of the eight deaths were all the same, a needle stuck in the victims arm, the autopsy had concluded it was an overdose from bad heroin that was laced with anti-freeze, the four of the deaths were all in a day or two from the first death which occurred in 1992. A woman had hung herself in one of the bathroom stalls with bed linen but when they had found her she had scratches on her neck as if she tried to loosen the makeshift noose. The woman that was murdered was killed by another woman that lived in the shelter which happened in 1993. As she read the article she felt the hair on the back of her neck raise, the article had stated the two women had been arguing earlier in the day over a place to sleep that night.

The staff at the time had told the newspaper that the woman had told the victim hours before her death, "Take the bed, you won't have another chance to sleep in it again after I slit your fucking throat!"

The woman was found with her throat cut in such a manner her head almost fell off as they transported her body out of the shelter. Later that day they found the woman with blood stained clothes, the knife still in her hands. As the police surrounded her and told her to put the knife down she laughed and jammed the knife into her abdomen. They ran towards her and as soon as one officer got close enough she pulled the knife out of her body and stabbed him in the throat.

Her eyes widened with fear, she felt the things she's been seeing wasn't from exhaustion it was this evil woman still inflicting damage after death. It all made sense, she killed all of those women and staged it as overdoses or suicide to get away with murder, the nurse began to realize the woman she had talked to before wasn't crazy, she was able to see this killer. Scrolling down the article she saw the woman's picture and name, she was wearing a black baggy coat with her hood up, her face was twisted with hate.

"Laura...why would you do such terrible things?" the nurse asked herself, saying the woman's name sent chills down her spine and she felt as though she was being watched.

"Because I can." A whisper tickled her ear.

A week later they found the nurses body in the bathtub. Her neighbors complained of a terrible smell coming from the apartment and when the maintenance man had gone to investigate he found her body was bloated from the red water she laid in, her wrists and forearms ripped to shreds, a box cutter in her hands. Her eyes were wide open as well as her mouth, as if she were screaming.

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