Chapter 1: Morning Blues

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READ THIS: One of my favorite tv show Heroes (watch it, its SO GOOD!) inspired me to make this story. So, this story has some similarities to

Beep, beep, beep

Elise groaned and smacked the alarm clock. It wouldn't turn off so she sat up and threw it across the room. She realized it was a Tuesday. Oh, how she hated school. She jumped of her bed and went over to her desk. She turned on the speaker and hit the play button.

She jumped up and immediately started dancing to the beat. She shimmied all the way to her closet and slid the door open. She grabbed some light grey jeans and a new baby blue colored blouse that she got at Forever 21 last weekend.

She set her clothes on the bed and opened her bathroom while singing Worth It by Fifth Harmony. She thought this is going to be a good day and hopped in the shower.

After she blow dried her hair and put her hair into a french braid.  She sat in front of the mirror and put some lipgloss on. Elise doesn't wear makeup only lipgloss she thinks makeup blocks all the perfection.

She looked at the mirror and studied her features. She had light brown hair and green eyes.

Elise then went over to her night stand and opened her jewelry box. Once the lid flipped up the lights went off and the jewelry box started to play some music. She grabbed her blue jeweled necklace and a pair of gold earrings and put them both on.

She grapped her red and black checkered backpack and ran down the stairs. Her brother Kyle was stuffing his face in pancakes when she sat by the table.

"Hspfhh." Kyle said and Elise sighed. " Chew with your mouth closed." Kyle beamed.

"Chocolate chip pancakes with bacon just the way you like it." her mom said with a smile. Elise grinned, she loves when her mom makes her favorite.

Elise stuffed all the pancakes in her mouth really fast when her dad popped his head out of his newspaper.

"Woah, WOAH! Slow down. What's the rush?" Her dad asked with a frown.

"Cheerleading tryouts are today. Got to get there early if I want to practice." she replied.

When she finished, she picked up her plate and put it in the sink. She walked to the shoe closet and pulled out her pink sandals with gems and put them on. She also grabbed her white converse and stuck them in her bag for tryouts. She shut the door and went to her mom.

She kissed her on the cheek. "Bye Mom." "Bye sweetie have a good day and good luck!"
She went over to her dad, "Ready?" Elise smilled, "Ready."

Elise hopped in the passenger seat while Kyle went in the back. Her dad opened the car door and came in. He started the engine and it was off to school they go.

Elise was dropped off first. She opened the car got out and her dad came around.

"Bye Ellie, have a good day." "Bye dad."

Then Elise's dad kissed her forehead and went back in the car and off he goes. Elise turned around and faced her school.. Costa Herd High School. Then she went in..


Don't worry the academy will come soon, I just wanted it to make it look like Elise is a normal teenager before all the crazy stuff happens.  This is a short chapter so I will make longer ones soon! Make sure to watch Heroes it is an old show but it's awesome and has a spinoff series called Heroes Reborn. So thanks for reading and if you have any character requests like names, how they look, what powers they have then make sure to comment below!

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