Chapter 2: Tryouts, Coffee, Bullets oh my!

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Elise walked into the school hall and was greeted by lots of people.
"Hey Elise!"
"What's up!"
"How you doing Elise?"

Elise went over to her locker and opened it. She put her backpack in and took out the textbooks for first period.

"Elise.. ELISE!" screamed her best friend Rosette.

Elise turned around and smiled.
"Hey Rosie what's up?" Rosette ran over and had a huge smile on her face.

"Elise! After school do you want to go to Starbucks with me? Some other people are going to though."

"I would love to Rosie! I have Cheerleading tryouts today so it will be nice to have some coffee afterwards."

"Great! I'll have one of my friends give you a ride there, just meet me by the bus stop." Rosetta said with a grin.

She walked off to first period. Elise then grabbed her sling bag, put her textbooks in, and went to the football field to practice.

When she finally got there she put her sling bag down on the bleachers and started stretching.

She practiced the routine she was going to do and ended in a round-off backhandspring.


That was the bell for first period. Elise grabbed her sling bag and ran to Math. She walked in to see Mr. Burther writing Pop Quiz in big bold letters on the chalkboard.

She made her way to her seat while the class groaned.

Then a ringing sound came from the speakers, "Excuse me students... this is your ugh Prinicpal Brian speaking.. after school please come back at 4:00 for a special assembly. Thank you" *screach*

The whole class covered there ears. "Yes mom I'll eat the sandwich you packed me... no I- ehhem is this still on?" Then the speakers turned off.

After the quiz, Elise started day dreaming and before she knew it the day was over and it was time for tryouts .


"Okay girls! If you want to be on this team you need to show that your capable of keeping up with us. So show us what you got!" the cheerleading captain Brittany roared.

First off was Trinity and in the middle of her cartwheel she fell over and ran to the restroom.

Next was girls one by one and they all either fell over, mess up, or forget their routine. Elise heard the cheerleaders laughing until she finally heard Brittany say, "Elise Allan" Elise stood up and she was nervous let me tell you that.

"Show us what you got!" Brittany said while she pressed play on her boom box.

Elise ran into an aerial and did some turns and flips and before she knew it she was finished. The whole cheerleading team clapped and Brittany smiled.


"AHHHH!!!" Elise screamed while running to Rosetta. "I made the team Rosie! I made the team!"

Rose smiled and said "That's great now who's ready for some Starbucks!"

Then they both went into Rosetta's friends car and they were off to Starbucks.

"Can I have a vanilla frappe?" "Sure is that all?" "YES!"

Elise sat down and read her book when she heard a Starbucks employee say


Elise sat up and took the Vanilla Frappe with a thanks and sat down with her friends.

"Soooo..." said one of her friends Savannah. "What have you all been up to?"

Celeste started talking immediately "Well you see, Ms. Don gave me a D+ on my project and I was telling her that I should have gotten a better grade and blah blah blah."

Elise started daydreaming about what it would be like to be a superhero. She has been binge watching shows like Hereos, The Flash, and Arrow.


They started walking back to school when she heard a bunch of screams and then she felt pain on her left arm she touched it and saw blood in her hand. It took her a while to realize she had been shot. She fell on the ground and she saw people running then everything went black... but what she didn't know was that that bullet would change her life... forever..
MWHAHAHAHA! A cliffhanger! So what did you guys think about this chapter? Any requests? Thanks for reading!

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