Chapter 4: Practice makes Perfect

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"Elise! Wake up!" she heard Liberty say.

"Hmphfff." is all Elise said.

Then she remembered where she was and what she could do. She sat straight up "Wait what time is it?" she asked curious.

"7:55 wh-"


Elise stood up and went to her closet. She found a shirt that said "Flawless" on it and put on some ripped jeans. She put her hair in a ponytail and added a red bow to the top of it.

Elise walked past Ava who was texting peacefully in her bed and put on some vans.

Elise was going out the door when she stopped and turned around.

"Where exactly is the Practice room?" Elise asked Liberty.

"Go to floor 2 and the first door on your left." Liberty replied and with that
Elise ran out the door.


Elise finally found the room and she knew it was the right one cause it said Practice Room in big bold letters across the door.

Elise ran inside and started panting. "Wow." she thought. "I need to exercise more."

Then she saw the 11 other people that went to school with her stare at her. Immediately feeling embarrassed, Elise went to the end of the line and waited for what seemed like 5 minutes when a tall dirty blonde headed girl who looked like she was in her 30s went through the door.

"Hello. My name is Ms. Safari and I will decide what level you will be in." she seemed strict and Elise knew she wasn't the only one who thought that by how the rest of her classmates were thinking.

"Okay. Let's see.." she said walking back and forth looking at each student.

"You" she said pointing to Zach. "and you" she said pointing to Aaliyah,

"Come step on the mats." They both went over on the mats.

"Now both of you will battle using your powers." Ms. Safari said. They both looked scared so Elise was worried what might happen to her.

"FIGHT!" Ms.Safari said with a roar.

Zach opened his mouth and started to scream so loud everyone covered their ears. Aaliyah went tumbling back then she lifted her hands up and vines started to come up from the ground. Zach looked scared, Aaliyah pointed her hands at Zach and the vines shot out into the air and came flying at Zach wrapping him and tying him to the ceiling.

Ms.Safari clapped. "Great job um.. what's your name?" she asked Aaliyah.


"Wonderful job so you can control plants?"

"Yup I can control nature" Aaliyah said smoothly.

"And you." Ms.Safari asked Zach.

"Well uhh.. I can scream really loud that it makes a force?.?." he said making it sound more of a question.

"OH! Like a Banshee!" Ms. Safari said. "Ok Aaliyah untangle Zach." Aaliyah swiped her hands towards Zach and the vines disappeared and Zach came crashing towards the floor.

"Ok let's see Zach your in level 3 and Aaliyah level 4. Ok next we have.. You with the blonde highlights and you the guy with a lizard shirt. Uh what's your names?"

The girl with the highlights said "Annie" and the guy with the lizard shirt said "Jonas"


Annie then flew into the air and charged at Jonas. Jonas then blew really hard and Annie came flying back.

"Very good!" Ms.Safari said. She told them there levels. She then started calling people one by one until there was only 2 people left.

"Ok you! The one with the red bow and you the one with the spikey hair."

"My name is Elise." Elise told her.

"I'm Micah." the spikey haired guy said.


Micah started making circular motions with his hand and a giant fire ball came out he then fired it at Elise. Elise thought fast and shot her hand out and the fireball stopped. Elise rotated her hand and pushed back hard. The fireball came flying back to Micah who got smacked in the stomach by it.

Ms.Safari clapped slow the fast and so did everyone.

"Well done Elise." she said with a smile. Elise smiled.

"Ok Elise your in level 6." Elise gasped.
"But that's the highest level!" she said.Ms.Safari smiled.

"Yes it is."


Elise glanced down at her schedule. Her, Liberty, and Ava all are in level 6 so they have the same classes. They all walk down the hall together.

Elise didn't notice that she bumped into a girl with blonde hair and Elise came crashing to the floor.

"WATCH IT!" the blonde headed screeched. Elise looked up and saw that there were 2 other girls on either side of her.

"Oh you must be new. Well just so you know don't get in my way and you'll be able to make it through the school year." and with that all three of them laughed and walked off.

Liberty and Ava bent down and helped Elise up.

"Don't worry about her Elise." Liberty said.

"Yeah she's just trying to get on your nerves. She thinks she's the queen of this school." Ava agreed.

Elise finally stood up and asked, "Who is she?" Liberty sighed,

"That's Ingrid, she thinks she rules this school." Ava spoke,

"and her two minions are Melody and Harper."

"You have to be careful." Liberty said. "Ingrid is in level 6 and if you mess with her she will do anything to take you down."

Elise shivered. "That's not creepy at all!" She said sarcastically.

"Don't worry Elise we got your back." Ava said and with that Elise smiled.
Yass anothaaa chapter. Yay! I have some of these chapters already pre-written so I just have to publish them but I want to do it on sort of a daily basis and not post like 5 chapters in one day. So what do you think of Ingrid? Also what power do you think she has? This book gives me all the feels! Thanks for reading I will make sure to update soon!

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