Chapter 6: Missions 101

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Olivia Jones didn't know what she was in for when she saw a folder on her desk that said "Top Secret Mission" you see she was working for the government and she rarely got to go on missions. She was so excited that when she opened the folder she immediately started reading. She didn't notice the tall blonde hair guy standing in the doorway, she didn't notice when she saw him when he started to move his hands in the shape of a ball. She didn't notice when he launched the ball of electricity to her and she passed out. She was gone by the time a bunch of other people pick her up and carry her away.
"Tyler Josef, Liberty Maxwell, Ava Heath, Ingrid Smith, Pheonix Romero,
and Elise Allan please report to the head office."

All heads snapped at Elise as she stood from her desk and started walking towards the office. When she saw Ava and Liberty walking down the hallway she was going to ask them if they knew anything about this but they had a questioning look on there face too so she knew that they didn't know anything.

They walked down the never ending hallway when they finally reached the office.

Ava opened the door and saw Professor M sitting in his chair by his desk and 2 other people on chairs, a guy named Pheonix and a smirking Ingrid. "Ah your all here. Please take a seat." he said. They all sat down on a white chair and looked concerned.

"Now I'm sure that all of you are wondering why you're here." he said and they all nodded. "Well we have decided to put you all on a mission."

Ava and Liberty cheered, Pheonix kept smiling, Tyler was playing with his eraser, and Ingrid acted like this happens everyday. Elise looked nervous a bit,

"Wait. I just got to this school and I'm already going on a mission?"

The Professor  looked like he knew this was going to happen so he already had an answer.

"Well you see Ms. Allan, with you, Ava, Liberty, Tyler, Igrid, and Pheonix you all combine a powerful team and can take down almost anything if you put your mind to it. We will train you still and the mission isn't until a couple of days so you'll have time to practice by then."

"That was true when you think about it" Ava said, "With Elise's telekinesis, Libertys mind reading, Pheonix turning into steel, Tyler being super fast, Ingrid teleporting, and my shapeshifting, we do make a pretty good team."

Ingrid snickered, "No one was asking you."

Ava then glared at her. "And I'm suppose to listen to you because..?"

"Good." Professor M said. "I'm glad that you're agreeing Ava. Liberty spoke up,

"How about school?" Ingrid chuckled,

"Nerd Alert!" Liberty had tears in her eyes and she looked down.

"Hey back off, you know she's sensitive." Elise said and Ingrid rolled her eyes.

The Professor smiled and looked pleased, "Nice of you to be thinking about school at a time like this Liberty." Liberty blushed, "Well, I talked to your teachers and we have decided that you do not have to make up for your school work."

They all cheered and smiled.

"How long is it?" Pheonix asked.

"Possibly around 2-3 days." the professor said. "But you will have plenty of food to eat and a limbo that can drive you around. Just remember not to use your powers around humans. We want to be kept a secret so try not to give too much attention."

"So." Tyler asked. "What's the mission?"
Hey, what's up, hello! Thx for reading let me know your thoughts in the comments and it would mean a lot to me if you voted on this chapter and this story. So share this with your friends! Bye!

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