Chapter 3: Sleeping Beauty

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Elise woke up and she looked around the room and once she remembered what happened she sat up a bit way to fast.

"Oww." she said and looked at her arm that had been shot. She saw that it had been bandaged and wrapped she looked around and saw a bunch of bloody gauzes which she's guessing came from her arm.

"Great Sleeping Beauty is awake! You've slept for a while." she heard a deep voice behind her. She turned around immediately and saw a tall teenage boy staring at her. He had brown hair and blue eyes.

"Who are you? Where am I?" What do you want from me?" then before she knew it a bunch of questions came out her mouth.

"Woah, woah calm down. You've been sleeping for a while." the light haired boy told her.

"That's good and all but-" Elise started to say.

"My name is Tyler." he said like he didn't care what she had to say.

"Well I'm Elise and if you do anything I will.." she then put her fists in the air. "fight you.?" she said more of a question.

"Like I'm here to hurt you.. you've been sleeping for a while." Tyler said. Elise looked concerned,

"How long?"

"2 days"

"2 DAYS!" Tyler smirked.

"Yup. Welcome to Shadow Falls Academy a school for the gifted."

Elise's mouth fell open. "The gifted.. hahaha! I am not gifted.. I'm far from gifted I trip over air!"

"Well I'm not sure if I should be the one to tell you this. Anyways Professor Morpheus wants to talk to you."

"Who's Professor-"

"3rd door on your right." he said once again irrupting her.

Elise stood up and walked out the door when she tripped on her shoe lace.

"See told you I'm not gifted." Tyler just laughed while Elise got up and she walked to the 3rd door to her left.

When she opened the door she saw 11 other people that went to her school.

"Well look who's up!" said a bald haired middle aged man cheerfully.
"I'm Professor Morpheus but you can call me Professor M. Please have a seat."

Elise turned to see some of her friends staring at her while she sat down.

"I'm pretty sure you all are wondering why you are here so I will explain.. As far as I'm sure you all have been shot by a bullet... so did 22 other students but they didn't survive.."

Elise's eyes widened what if Rosetta didn't make it.. what if the teachers didn't make it.

"Rosetta made it Elise, also only 1 of the teachers passed." he said like he read her mind.

"Wait how did you-"

"So you all are wondering how you all survived."

"Yeah" they all said at once.

"Well you all have your own special abilities."

"Like superpowers!" a young girl who just went into high school said. Aww she has to start off her first year of high school like this.

"Yes exactly like superpowers"


All of a sudden I had a question that needed to be answered.

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