Chapter 7: Were Coming

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"Well.. there has been a mysterious and unusual umm.. murder and the police tried everything and they gave up so that's why I'm giving you guys the case." said Professor M.

"Oh yeah I heard about that! Olivia Jones, right?" asked Liberty.

"Yes! I want you guys to get to the bottom of this. Ok so here's the plan.." said Professor M.


After Elise's meeting with Professor M, she walked back to her dorm with Liberty and Ava.

"Are you guys nervous for the mission?" Ava asked.

"Not really, I mean we still have a week to practice and everything but I think it's going to be fun!" Elise said happily.

"But why does Ingrid have to be in the mission? I mean I know she can teleport and all that but so can Ava. She can turn into her." Liberty whined.

"Give it a rest Lib, Ingrid is coming wether we like it or not." Elise said sadly.


"Great now we have to go to dinner." Ava sighed. Then all 3 girls got up and walked to the hallway.

They walked to the cafeteria when they spotted Ingrid with Melody and Harper trailing behind.

Ingrid catched Elise's eyes and glared at her. Elise winced.

Then Elise, Liberty, and Ava got there trays and went to the table with the lunch lady's. Ava went first,

"What will it be today?" one lunch lady with a annoyed look asked Ava.

"Umm.. can I have a grilled cheese sandwich with some goldfish and some lemonade please?"  The lunch lady groaned went over to a small machine and turned it on.

She typed in something and clicked the red button which then appeared Ava's order.

"So like we can order anything we want?" Elise asked Liberty and Liberty smiled and nodded her head.

After Liberty got her lasagna and Elise got her chicken nuggets they all walked down the gigantic cafeteria.

Elise spotted Tyler and Tyler waved her over. Elise smiled and sat down next to Tyler, Ava sat next to her.

They were sitting in a large table with Tyler, Pheonix, a guy named Niko, a girl named Kayla and 2 other people.

Ingrid then came over and sat next to Tyler.

"Hey Tyler why don't you come join our table instead of sitting with those twerps." she said glancing at Elise.

"I'm good thanks." Tyler said uncomfortable which made Elise laugh. Ingrid looked at her with disgust and started to laugh too.

"Hahaha, your hillllarrrioouusss Tyler. But I understand you don't want to make these poor losers sad." Ingrid said smiling at him. Then she went back to her table.

"Woah she's a feisty one" said Roxane.

"Yeah no kidding." Elise responded.


Elise walked to her dorm and changed into her pajamas. She layed on her bed and started to read her book when all of the sudden her window opened.

Elise felt the cold breeze and went over to close it when she noticed a small piece of paper on the floor, she picked it up and saw 2 bold words written in a deep black.,
We're coming
Wow I'm evil.., a cliffhanger! So how did you think about this chapter? I love hearing your feedback so make sure to give me an honest review if you dont mind. ☺️

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