I Don't Love You

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"I'm so sick of it, Gerard!" My mothers screams of annoyance echoed through the empty hallway. Her hair messed about, her hazel eyes lacked their usual shine, the dirt under her fingernails excessive from work. "Every Goddamn night you go out and don't come back until morning! Where the Hell do you go?" She almost seemed as if she was about to cry. My mother never cried, not when our father left, nor when my pet fish died.

"I-I walk around the town..." I stuttered, my bluff tumbling past my trembling, untruthful lips. I tightened my fist, trying to hide my lies.

She sighed, defeated. "That's bull shit, Gerard. Tell me, where do you go? Why do you come back with bruises and bloodshot eyes?" Her voice quivered.

I swiped the electric red hair out of my darting eyes. "I- I-..." I didn't have the courage to tell her. "I c-can't tell you..." I whispered.

"Gee, who does this to you?" She stood up from her stool and padded over to me. She put her index finger under my chin and pushed gently, forcing my eyes against hers.

"N-no one..." I gasped for breath and held back my dam of tears.

"Gerard... Please tell me, I can't help if I don't know." She whispered.

I closed my eyes, trying to block out my awful excuse for a life. How many times have I stepped through the front door at four in the morning, bruised, limping, and blood stained? Why did I get caught this time? How can I go on living if the person I used to love, does this to me?

Best answer: I end it.

A/n: that's the prolouge so all chapters WILL be longer than others I've done in the past. This story has many many MANY triggers, so IF YOURE TRIGGERED, DONT READ IT. I'm NOT going to post warnings every chapter because it would be extremely excessive because of how many there are. Please take my warnings seriously. It's not my fault if you DO hurt yourself because you did not heed. Thank you.


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