Camera Shy ~Chapter 30

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Sorry it's super short! I've been having major writers block lately!


Harry and I successfully made it into my flat without getting mobbed.

"Stay right here and I'll go wrap your gift!" I said before running out of the living run and up to my room grabbing some wallpaper. I then ran back downstairs and grabbed the box Harry's gift was in and quickly wrapped it.

"Are you...alright?" Harry asked with a small smile raising his eyebrow.

"Yeah, I just did a lot of running and you know I don't like running," I grinned handing Harry his badly wrapped gift,"Merry Christmas babe." I took a seat next to Harry on the couch.

"Thanks and before I open this I just want you to know that you didn't-"

"Just open the God damn gift Harry!"

"Sassy one you are." Harry began to tear apart the paper and opening up the box taking out the Rolex watch.

"Wow, Mary-"

"Before you tell me how I didn't have to do this for you I would just like to say something. You do deserve to have a nice watch because you work extremely hard and you do so much for me so I had to return the favor."

"Thank you and I love you!" He said pulling me in for a hug which I greatly took.

"I don't know how much you going to love me when you're helping me pack!"

"Oh god, you know I hate packing."

"Oh boohoo, come on Harry we are wasting daylight!" I grabbed Harry's hand and led him upstairs.



"Okay,would you rather have to put ketchup on everything you ate or not being able to kiss me for two weeks?" Harry asked laying on my bed with a knee propped up.

"Wow I'd defiantly have to go with not being able to kiss you for two weeks." I folded another pair of jeans into my suitcase.

"Oh I see how it is." Harry said looking elsewhere.

"Okay your turn, would you rather sit in bed and do nothing or help out your girlfriend with her packing?" I sifted through my underwear drawer waiting for an answer from Harry.

"I am doing something."

"Doing what?"

"Watching you and your cute little self."

"Well my cute little self is done packing anyway." I climbed on top of Harry straddling Harry's waist in a non-seductive way.

"So babe..." Harry said making things a little awkward, I grabbed his arms and began to wrestle him.

"About that not kissing me for two weeks?" Harry put all of his strength against mine until I was the under him and Harry on top.

"Two weeks, wow I can't believe that you would choose that over some simple ketchup?"

"Just kiss me already!" Harry being a tease, let his lips linger above mine till he firmly pressed them against mine.

"I'm gonna miss you." I said pulling away.

"I'm gonna miss you even more, who am I going to kiss when the ball drops?"

"You'll kiss your mom." I stood up and opened the window curtain slightly,"Hey there's still like, one,two, three,four,five, five fans outside. Ugh they've got to be freezing in this temperature." I shut the curtain and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Harry get off of your phone."

"Sorry what were you saying?"

"Well theres like five fans outside and they look really cold."

"It is quite chilly outside."

"I'm going to go downstairs and make something for dinner why don't you stay up here."

"Kay, I think I might take a nap anyway."

"I'll be downstairs if you need me." I wasn't going to go make dinner because I figured I would just order out. I had planned on making the fans, who were most likely freezing their asses, some hot chocolate.

Doing my best to not make a lot of noise, I successfully made six cups of hot chocolate. I put them on a tray and brought them outside doing my best to not spill them.

"Ugh,Hi guys!" I said with a smile looking at the star struck girls in front of me.

"Oh my god,Hi!" A petite red head said.

"Sorry if we were beefing loud or anything." A tall blonde girl said.

"Oh don't worry about it, I came out because you guys looked cold so I figured I'll bring you something warm." I smiled and handed them each a cup while learning their names.

*Harrys POV*

After laying in bed and attempting to fall asleep and having no luck, I decided to just give up. Mary had left her phone on the dresser and it had been going off non- stop. I finally just picked up the phone myself and looked to see who was calling and to my surprise it was Niall. He had left numerous messages saying that he wanted to talk to Mary before she left. Why did he need to talk to her so bad and is there something Mary's hiding from me?

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