Camera Shy Chapter 16

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We walked inside the small room,"I'll sleep in the bathroom..."

Harry gave me a puzzled look.

"What? Ive done it before." I laughed "lets just say it was a great party."

Harry chuckled,"I will not let you sleep in the bathroom."

I put a hand on my hip,"Why not?"

"Well it's dirty in there, who knows whose been in there," he paused sighing "and for a girl like you who is absolutely stunning should not be sleeping in the bathroom just because her almost boyfriend was a complete dick to her." he looked at the ground.

"Awe harry," he looked up at me "You're right, the dickheads should always sleep in the bathroom." I smirked and Harry's mouth hung open in shock. I turned on my heel taking a few steps before I jumped on the bed laying down. Harry grabbed a pillow off of the bed and placed it on the floor. Honestly I felt kind of bad for not letting him get the bed.

"um Harry, I guess you can sleep with me-"

"Oh good!" he got up and smiled at me. I got off of the bed, bending down I shifted through my suitcase looking for my pajamas.

"Where are they?" I muttered to myself,"did I forget to pack them...yes."

Crap. This day keeps getting better and better.

"What did you forget babe?" Harry sat up from the bed, he was now shirtless and pant less. I had to tear my eyes off of his toned chest and his tattoos.

Oh God I'm drooling!

"I forget my pajamas!" I sighed in disbelief looking down at my now unorganized suitcase.

"Here." he handed me a folded shirt and boxers. I grabbed them and offered him a thank you. I stood in the bathroom starring at my reflection, I changed into Harry's clothes. I missed Harry, yeah he fooled with my heart but it's time to forgive and forget.

Twisting the door handle and flicking the lights off I climbed into bed with Harry. His eyes were closed,poor thing he's so tired it looks like he's dead. I leaned over and kissed his cheek,"Night Harry." I whispered laying my head down on my pillow I immediately fell asleep.

I heard a faint noise of what must be spongebob coming form the tv. I was awake but my body was still and my eyes glued shut. One of my hands was placed on Harry's stomach *cough Abbs cough* my other arm was draped over his left arm. He was sitting up but my head was rested on his upper chest, rising and falling with each breathe he took in and let out. His body vibrated as he chuckled, I wish we could stay like this forever.

Sooner or later I was going to have to open my eyes, when I did Harry smiled down at me.

He bent his head down and kissed my forehead,"Morning babe, how'd you sleep?" I snuggled into his body more.

"Good I take it."

"Yeah it was good." I said with a smile,"Do you have the time?"

"Umm it's 1:30 in the afternoon." I rolled off of Harry and sat up.

"Ugh, can we just stay in bed all day?" I asked rubbing my hands across my face.

"I don't see why not, we have today and tomorrow off."

"I have that photo shoot tomorrow, my moms flying in that morning." I leaned my back against the back wall.

"You don't seem very excited about it babe."

"I'm nervous and I guess a little scared..." I looked out the window that overlooked the big city, it was rainy today.

"There's no need to be scared." he spoke softly to me.

"I know it's just I feel like I have to live up to my moms reputation. I'm afraid that their not going to like me, no one understands how hard it is for me living in the shadow of a former supermodel. People think I live this perfect life and that I get everything handed to me but they don't know me at all." I looked into Harry's eyes holding a gaze, he nodded for me to continue.

I was quieter when I spoke again,"I always get told that I'm beautiful but I don't feel beautiful. People see me as if I'm perfect and I'm not. The whole reason on why I'm scared for the shoot is because I'm afraid I'm going to get judged and people aren't going to accept me for being me not just my mothers daughter. No one really knows the real me, frankly I don't even know who I am."

I stopped talking afraid that if I spoke another word I would cry. There's so much I needed to tell Harry,I'm just not ready to open all the way up about my life.

"Mary, I'm sorry that you don't see what I see in you. You're beautiful not just on the outside but on the inside, you're real. You have the ability to make anyone feel good and it puts me to shame knowing that you don't feel good about yourself. I've seen and met plenty of girls but no girl has left me speechless and weak in the knees like you do. It doesn't matter if we're in a room full of people because you're the only one I see."

Harry embraced me in a big hug, I couldn't help but cry at what he had just said about me. Harry held me in his arms letting me cry till I could cry no more.

"Thanks, sorry I got your shirt a little wet." I shrugged.

"Don't worry about it!" he smiled at me. I don't know what had gotten into me but let's just say I got some major Harry feels. My eyes searched Harry's face stopping at his lips, I leaned over and kissed him.He was caught off guard but began to kiss me back, as the kiss depended our lips moved in sync. Being a tease he licked my bottom lip before exploring mouth with his tongue. He leaned back on his elbows as I leaned forward on my hands and knees.

You know how they say "the sparks were flying." well it was like the freaking Fourth of July between us right now.

His hands grabbed my waist, his touch making me go wild inside. They found their way to the hem of the shirt, traveling inside he ran his hands over my bare stomach. They soon reached my chest.


WOW! Thanks for all the reads you guys:D I really appreciate it!

Things are getting pretty HEATED between Harry and Mary....hey it's rhymes!

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