Camera Shy Chapter 35

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I've been writing this chapter for like a month and it's not even that good :( Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment and also check out my Other stories p, you might like them :)))))))) XOXOXOOXOXOX~Abby

I ran around Harry's house frantically, cleaning just about everything, all while preparing dinner. Yesterday, I spent the day flipping through recipe books at the library and calling me mom at least every hour to ask the same question about a god damn Christmas ham. I was going crazy. It was only a little after four and I figured that they would be arriving in the next hour or two.

"Harry!" I screeched walking into the living room,"I just cleaned in here!" I yelled, moving his stretched out legs off of the small coffee table and picking up his bottle of beer. He hasn't left the couch all day playing FIFA.

"Hey, I can't see the screen!" He said moving his head to see around my body that was in his way,"give that back, I wasn't done." He said referring to his half empty beer that I gripped tightly.

"Harry, you need to get ready your parents are gonna be here soon and I just need you too- HARRY! You're not even listening." I sighed, annoyed with Harry and his lack of help.

"I was too listening." He paused his game looking up at me with big eyes.

"Then what did I just say?" I asked tapping my foot impatiently.

"Something about how hot I am and how you're gonna give me a blow job later." He smirked, proud of his answer.

"Oh my god, you are ridiculous!" I laughed,"can you just get ready or make yourself useful?" I asked, handing him back his beer and sinking down on the couch and curling up next to him.

"You're nervous, aren't you?" He asked, placing an arm around me and kissing my forehead, I shrugged. "There's no need to worry darling, they will love you. Now, either you can go get ready, cause you could use a shower you smell like sweat." I scoffed at him,"I'm just being honest Mary, go get all pretty."

"You're so annoying." I giggled, kissing him slowly.

"Hey, I'd love to make love to you right now, but I think you should go get ready." Harry said with one last kiss before returning to his game. I did as told and made my upstairs to shower.

I slid on my red sweater and took one last look in the mirror before heading downstairs. I bopped my head to the Christmas music we had playing throughout the house. Harry was no longer in the living room playing FIFA.

"Harry?" I called but received no answer, where was that boy? I sat down on one of the kitchen stools. I opened up twitter on my phone,

"@MaryDavis: @HarryStyles Where are you????"

Within seconds the tweet had been retweeted and favorited by the thousands. My phone buzzed with a notification from Harry.

"@HarryStyles: @MaryDavis Looking for you, you butt head! ;)"

I laughed at his reply. Two can play this game.

"@MaryDavis: @HarryStyles #harryisaweirdo"

"@HarryStyles: @MaryDavis Go away no one likes you."

"@HarryStyles: @MaryDavis I'm just joking darling I love you!!!!!"

"@MaryDavis: @HarryStyles i know you're hiding in the bathroom, I can hear you laughing."

"How did you know I was there?" Harry asked walking out of the bathroom and into the kitchen.

"Cause I'm a genius, that's why!" I said sarcastically, jumping off the stool I walked towards Harry hiding my face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around me,"you look very pretty and smell better." He laughed kissing my forehead lightly.

"I love you." I whispered squeezing him tighter.

"I love you too." His hands weaved through my messy hair, I sighed,"I don't know why I'm so nervous." I stated, pulling away and going back to my stool.

"You're cute when you're nervouse,"Harry smiled,"if I love you then they will certainly love you too." With that said there was a loud pounding on the door and hollering coming from behind. Harry held my hand tightly as we both headed towards the door.

"Mum!" Harry squealed opening the door enveloping his mother in a hug. I smiled watching him hug his sister and step dad with so much joy and happiness. "Mum, Robin, Gem this is Mary!" He said introducing me, they each gave me a small hug.

"Wow, you're even prettier person." Gemma gushed, I laughed,"I have my days." I shrugged.

"You guys are are in for a treat," Harry spoke excitedly,"Mary cooked dinner and I swear to you, she's one of the greatest cooks ever!"

We all gathered in the living room, Harry and I sharing a chair, me sitting on top of his lap.

"You two seem very happy." Anne commented with a smile.

I blushed and nodded,"well he certainly keeps me very happy." Harry held me closer to his chest, his head resting on my shoulder.

"Mary certainly keeps me busy." He chuckled poking my side cause me to let out an unattractive noise.

The small talk carried on throughout dinner and the rest of the evening. I found myself becoming more relaxed every minute but I couldn't help but notice the small glares from Anne.

When an a appropriate time came, I excused myself from the on going conversation about Gemma's new hair color, to clean up the kitchen. I was in the midst of scrubbing off the dirty silverware when Anne came in and joined me at the sink. The first few minutes were silent and frankly, a little awkward.

"I see the way he looks at you Mary, he absolutely adores you." Anne said with a smile,"All I want is for him to be happy and you seem to have that covered. I thank you for that."

"He talks about you all the time and when he's not talking, he's worrying about you." I said putting the last of the dried dishes away.

"I'm glad you're here Mary, and it may seem like I don't like you, but that's just me being a protective Mum." She said pulling me into a quick hug.

I realized that Anne just wanted her son to be happy and right now in his life, I was the only on who was getting through to him and giving him that happiness that he needs. It's a big job to make someone happy but if you truly are having a good time doing it then it no longer seems like a job, just an everyday thing.

As I laid in bed that night, with Harry holding me close, I couldn't help but smile because Harry was my source of happiness. Yes, we've been through shit and we bicker a lot but that's what makes our relationship. Our imperfections and flaws create something beautiful, something that no romance novel can top. Our love was made for movie screens.

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