Damn the universe is cruel

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Faster, and Faster I pushed my self to the limit. Running through the dark forest with a black faceless figure so close behind. My lungs were burning and I couldn't stop myself from crying out for help. Even though I knew no one would come to my aid.

I couldn't make out the face of my attacker but I knew exactly who it was..Azel. I saw our house in the distance. Forgetting the extreme pain I was in, I forced my self to speed up my pace but it was to no avail. Azel was faster.I heard fast footsteps. And they weren't mine.

Suddenly I was attacked, being brought to the ground. The faceless beast pierced is claws into my shoulder. Growling ferociously. "No!" I yelled.


"Crystal!" Jason yelled. I woke up in the familiar red room of Leila's and Blaine's mansion.

I could feel every ounce of sweat dripping from my forehead. I was breathing hard and in relief that I was alive.

"It was just a nightmare." Jason said reaching out to touch my cheek. I violently flinched away on instinct. He looked hurt by my actions but I couldn't help it. I couldn't tell him I was sorry because the words wouldn't come out of my mouth.

"I'll get you some water." Jason said. I just nodded silently, propping myself against the head board. I slumped my head on my arms leaning myself on my knees. The coldness of the headboard made my body calm down.

To think that soon the dream would become reality was the worst of it all. I knew Jason would ask about my nightmare. I knew I couldn't tell him. I've already burdened him enough. He's sacrificed his pack and his own life just to try to keep me safe.

I heard the door open and chit as Jason walked in. "Here." He said handing me a glass of chilled water.

"T-thanks." I mumbled. Taking it from him. He sat beside me holding me to his chest. His touch relaxed my tense muscles and put my mind at ease.

"What happened in that nightmare, Crystal?" He asked

"I was nothing. I was falling off of a cliff or something." I lied.

"I know you're lying Crystal." Jason said. He tilted my head up so I met his gaze. His eyes burned with concern for me. I couldn't lie when he looked at me like that. But I did anyway

"I'm not." I say warily

"Crystal. Normal People don't glow when they're having nightmares!" He yelled.

"Stop thinking that you can go through this all by yourself! You can't! You need someone. You need me!" He yelled, tears brimming his eyes.

"Don't you think I notice? Don't you think I notice that no matter how many times someone tells you, you're fate is inevitable, you act like none of it bothers you." He said unable to look at me.

"That's because I'm waiting for the day that fate will come. Maybe if I die then none of you will have to put yourself through this." I say

Jason growled. "Don't you dare say that. You think if you did that going to solve all our problems? Huh? Do you really think I can live without you?" He bellowed.

"Jaso-" before I could finish he slammed his mouth onto mine. I could feel his tears wetting my cheeks. It broke my heart to see him in this state. He barely ever displayed his emotions when he was happy let alone sad. To see him break down in front of me shocked me.

He pulled away and held me closer. "Jason I-"

"Just let me hold you." He said. I didn't object. Instead and I cuddled up to him and went back to sleep.


"What do you mean she was glowing? Like actually glowing like a fucking night light?" Afon asked.

"Yes. She was giving off light like some type of star. It was really bright." Jason explained. We were all grouped around the table at breakfast and trying to explain what happened last night to the rest of them.

"So what are you saying like the dream is some type of hint?" Leila asked

"Not a hint it's oracle. It tells future and its a way for the Decima to be prepared for the future." Blaine explains.

"So you mean I'm going to..." I trailed

"No, you're there's no guarantee that you will die. But instead you may be hurt or it might not happen like it did in your dream at all. The dream is just a warning it isn't exact." Blaine said

He didn't exactly deliver the best possible news but it made me feel more relieved to have a good explanation as to what was happening to me.

"So what do we do to stop it?"  Jason's asked from beside me.

"You can't really do anything. It's the future. One way or another it's going to happen no matter how hard you try to stop it. All you can do is be with her every second of the day to make sure you can protect her when it does happen." Blaine said.

I didn't like the sound of the whole 'every second of the day thing.' But I didn't speak up.

"I think it's best for you to go home. Your wolves are better trained and there are more of them. When there is an attack you will be more protected." Blaine said.

"Go with them. Escort them over our borders and onto theirs." Leila said "two alphas are better than one." She adds.

"Yes. We don't know the timing of the attack either of it does happen while we are crossing over the border we will be unprepared." Afon admits.

"We will leave tomorrow before sunrise." Blaine said.

I nodded.

"Oh and a bit of advice to you guys. Anyone you think you trust are probably out to kill you. Don't get close to anyone and for the ones you are already close to distance yourself. The sooner you finish training the better." Blaine says.

"You don't know how many times I've heard that." I mutter.

"There has to be a better way to deal with this crap. 7 years of running from death is a hell of a lot."Afon stated

"There isn't. Keep running until your legs fall off.It's the only way." Blaine.

"What's the point of all this anyway? Like
What's the point of having someone with that's much power?" Afon asks.

"It's the universes way of deciding who's the best fit to lead. Whoever survives all of this and comes out on top will lead mankind for the rest of time. If you do make it around the age of 25 then you've got a position waiting for you to fulfill." Blaine explains.

"Is that what my mom and dad were talking about when they first told me about being the decima? The said something about me having duties in the future?"I ask

"Yes that's it." Blaine says.

"Damn the universe is cruel." Afon says.

"You don't say." I chuckle


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