I have a certificate

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"I'm nervous" I said tightening my grip on Jason's hand. His arm traveled behind my back and pulled me closer by the waist. The cold air from outside hit my bare legs and the cutout in the back of my dress as I shivered.

"They will love you. I mean who wouldn't?" He asked. His green orbs seemed brighter today. It made him look less serious and uptight.I smiled at him for the compliment and tried to fight the blush forming on my cheeks.

We were outside and I was to be introduced to the pack. People were gathering around ,each giving me a long lasting glance. Of course jason had to arrange this to be had to be outside when winter was fast approaching.I watched carefully as more people pooled in. Hundreds of people actually. It made me wonder how many wolves were in this pack?Some women and men held their children in their arms and other younger teenagers were in a group to the right. I felt uncomfortable of all the attention and shifted uncomfortably. Jason noticed and took my hand making small circles with his thumb on the back of my hand. I relaxed under his touch.

"I think everyone is here" he said . Evan stood to Jason's right and beside him Jason's third in command who I learned was Roger. Afon stood to my side. Jason cleared his throat and everyone went silent. "Hello nightcrawler. " everyone bowed their heads in respect and Jason continued to speak "As some of you already know I have found my beautiful mate Crystal. She is to lead this pack by my side. I hope you all love her as much as I do. However as Luna she is to always be respected. If you need anything at all do not hesitate to ask your new leader." He said.I swooned at his words.His alpha tone was powerful and my wolf felt protected and it sent shivers down my spine.Everyone clapped and cheered as he finished.

As soon as Jason stopped talking the chatter started again. After Jason's little speech most people left however some stayed to talk. Mostly the elders and the women. They were really friendly and seems to like me. I don't even know what I was nervous about in the first place.As we returned to the pack house anyone who we saw greeted me as Luna and would say "welcome to the pack" or " you should come around more often."

I really thought that they weren't going to like me. I mean I'm me. As we walked back to the mansion
I looked up at Jason. His eyes were focused on the floor. "What's on your mind?" I ask.

"Nothing it's just great to have you here" he said sighing before leaning over and pecking my lips.

I return the gesture and I offered him a small smile. The more I get to know him the more he grows on me. Sometimes I even find myself admitting that I'm falling for him. An elder of the pack who I met with earlier told me that with my situation there were more problems yet to come. I was scared that I could be in so much danger at a point but it hadn't really sunk in.


beads of sweat rolled down my forehead and I was panting hard. My entire body was on fire. My muscles Were tense and my vision was fuzzy. My wolf kept pushing me to continue but in my mind I wanted to stop.I focused on my breathing in an attempt to slow it down. I took short slow breaths. I lifted my head and focused on my target.

"Come on you can do this" encouraged afon. I kept his words in mind and pushed all my energy to the tree. Winds rose around it circling it. The trees bark started to chip and the tree started to creak. Just then I had a little hope and pushed all of what was left of my strength into that tree. With a snap the tree fell the opposite way making a huge thud as it fell.

I breathed hard and plopped back on the floor. The grass was cool against my skin and was relieving.I looked to Afon and he had a look of approval on his face. "You are doing great with this. Give it some time and keep practicing and you'll master air in no time." He said. He threw me a water bottle and I chugged it down. Doing things like that took a lot of my energy. as soon as I calmed down and a question crosses my mind.

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