Worried Sick!

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Jessica POV

I lay in bed, curled in a fetal position while I slept. The blaring alarm, I try to ignore for the longest amount of time possible. After I got fed up with the constant noise I unraveled myself from my warmth long enough to slide the screen, and shut off the alarm. I quickly wrapped myself up in my covers once again.

The next fifteen minutes I hear a loud banging on my door, but it suddenly stops. Next thing I know.... I feel all the air go out of my lungs. I'm being choked.

"Jessica Kesley Newell! You good for nothing brat! Get your sorry asz* up before I choke the shitt* outta you!"

I don't respond, not that I could, but even if I was able to, I wouldn't have anything else to say. Tears pool around my eyes as and I start to see black dots circling my vision. I try to pull my mom's arms off, but no avail. Eventually, she gets bored and slaps me.

"Get up you slvt* before I let John into your room. I told him he could have his way with you if you missed the bus this time. I don't see what he would want in you anyway. You're pathetic."

My mom leaves out the room with a big slam to the door. So hard it knocked my poster down. I didn't bother with it though. I ran to the shower, and cried silently to myself as I washed my hair. I got dressed in record time, because I would not be letting John get to me. Not if I could help it. I waited outside for my bus and I remembered how it use to be.. Back when we were a happy family.


I was just turning 5, it was my birthday, and my family, my mom and dad, were celebrating together. My dad swung me around on his shoulders, and my innocent laugh was heard across the park. My mom looked up and smiled at the two of us. She blew my dad and I kisses and continued setting up the picnic table with balloons and cake.

Blow out your candle Jess ; wish for something good.

I wish we would be this happy, always.

But you know what? We weren't. My dad died in a bank robbery that next week. The robber shot him while my dad was trying to help an elderly lady get down. My mom went on an complete downward spiral after that. She started to drink. She drunk about two cases of beer daily. She wasn't good at holding it either, so it didn't take much to get her out of it, but she still drunk... And drunk.

The drinking changed her. No longer was she that sweet woman who blew kisses and read bed time stories. She was.. Well. A monster. And her new husband wasn't too good either. On more than one occasion John has made hints that he plans to rape me. He smokes, and has a beer belly, with a balding head.

Wiping my tears away, I got on the bus and tried to ignore the boy behind me who kept pulling my hair and making rude comments towards me..

I just hope Anna gets on the bus soon.  I think to myself. She's my only friend, really, and her company makes me happy.

When the bus gets to Anna's stop she doesn't come outside. My heart drops tremendously.

Where is she?

Guess I'll walk alone.

Putting my head down, I just pray today won't be any worse than it already has.

Anna's POV

Waking up, I felt like crap.

Did I want to go to school?


Did I look good enough to go to school?


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