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Chapter four

I awoke to the sound of dishes being washed. Wierd right?

I roll over, hit my phones home button, temporarily blinding myself. Its 3:00 a.m. "what the heck?" I think aloud. What is mom doing washing dishes at 3 am? Mom only cleans on three occasions,

a) we have company on their way.

b) shes getting paid to do it.

c) she is really, really worried about something.

Considering it is 3 am, I highly doubt we have company on the way.

I didn't pay her anything so no point to consider option b.

Which leaves option c. I tiptoe downstairs to find out whats going on and why my mom is so worried and I find out she is now on the phone.

"Yes," she pauses listening to the person on the other line "yes carol I know- yeah I know- but you gotta understand my daughter doesn't really know what happened to her father or Casey." I listen to the conversation in complete shock. My eyes growing huge.


"Don't you dare send him after her I sware!" Pure hatred dripping from her voice.

I cough. Face pound. Stupid!! Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!!

My mom stops mid sentence, "Hey.. Carol, I will have to call you back, I have to get something out of the oven." Trying to sound as convincing as possible. "Okay. Bye." She hung up the phone and looks directly into the doorway where I am hiding right around the corner. ".....Anna?" She calls in a voice so innocent and childlike that you'd think she was about to ask for a bedtime story. "Is that you?" A look of both shock and horror shown on her face the moment I came out of my hiding spot. My face red from embarrassment. "Heyyyy. Mom. Yep. Its me.." I answer being sure to take awkward pauses in between my words. Mom puts her hand over her face in frustration. "Annabelle, what did you hear?" She asks in her 'I'm serious Annabelle Talea Smith' voice. I pause trying to summarize what I had heard. "Well.. pretty much I found out that my mom, whom is supposed to love me, lied to me, not only about the death of my dog, but also my father." I cross my arms stating in a matter-of-fact manner.

"Anna I told you the things I did to protect you." She says trying her best to get some sympathy. "Annabelle, I love you baby girl, nothing could change that."

"Mom, what's wrong? What is going on? What really happened to daddy and Casey?" I knew right after I had said it that I should have used a different word. Just thinking about saying the word Daddy makes me feel sad. It brings back memories to when I was five sitting in his lap whilst he read the paper. The smell of pancakes fresh in the air. The way he would Pick me up and swing me around. And how it felt to be the world to someone. Right now I try to turn my attention to my mom because I can feel my nose burning signaling that I am about to burst out in tears which I don't want to do right now. My mom, being the wonderful lady that she is, saw me in deep thought and let me be. Plus to be honest I believe she was trying to find a way to explain all of this to me.

"Annabelle. Casey, she was murdered and so was your father."

She gave me a moment to collect myself and I noded my approval for her to go on. "Anna,  I am the reason. There are some things in life that you just.. you just don't need to know. Your father, he strived to know these things. Six and a half years ago, your father was experimenting on a pregnant female dog. He wanted to see if by injecting some type of chemical they nicknamed bea-x would make her newborn pups smarter... When the day came, for the dog to give birth, she died. Your father cut her open, and removed the puppies. All five were dead. Or so they thought. They sent your father to throw the puppies out, seeing that, without there brains functioning, they were useless.. but when your father was outside about to get rid of the five puppies, there was a sudden movement,  and a sudden noise. One of the puppies were alive! Your father, he decided that he would keep the puppy,  and see if the dog was more intelligent than most puppies. So. Can you guess what he did? He went and put the puppy in the car, went back to work. Once he came home, he told you he had something for you -" *ring ring ring* mom pauses, looks down at her phone and turns to me with pity. " I am so sorry, we will finish another day I have to take this.- Hello!! Carol! Oh pshh silly me! I completely forgot to call you back!!" Mom looks at me and points upstairs signaling for me to go to bed 'school' she mouths.


Getting in bed I just lay there.

So Casey was a test subject?


Okayyy!!! One done sorry guys my life has been a little emotionally complicated and I have finals all week its just so crazy. But if you hadn't noticed.. I need followers in IG @03.23.00 please follow but other than that, I hope you guys enjoyed! ! Xoxo love your life!! Bye! ! -panda

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