Happiness to come

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Anna's POV

After my mom had explained everything, my head hurt. I looked down at the half eaten ham sandwich and completely lost my appetite . There was no way in hell I was going to some dumb "Fawx Island," to be there little test dummy. I couldn't find much else to say to my mom except, "I'm going to my room."

It's gonna be a long day.

I scrolled through my phone, watching pointless but amusing videos on Instagram while I cuddled my stuffed bear Mr. Happy Pants. After I couldn't breathe any longer from laughing so hard at my favorite Instagramer , PatDLucky , I decided to watch some Netflix to calm my nerves. After I decided to start watching The Bernie Mac Show , starting from season one episode one , til the very end. Halfway through listening to Bernie talk about "Bernie Mac Day" I fell asleep. I could care less if it was noon. I wasn't in school, my mom just gave me bad news, and I wanted sleep.

About an hour later , there was a soft knock on my door and my moms voice called out, "Hun you need to get up . It's time for dinner, I made your favorite , Pasta Chicken Alfredo."

At the sound of 'Dinner' and 'Pasta Chicken Alfredo' my body came back to life. Wait ? DINNER? I rolled over and clicked the home button on my phone and the lock screen came to life 8:09 pm what the ???? I thought I was sleep for an hour , that had to have been at least 6.

I shuffled out of bed. Feeling a little woozy after my vampire like nap. At the word vampire , my moms words made me tense "Yes, and there was many wonderful creatures within it. Werewolves, Fairies, and Faes.. But there were also the bad. Vampires and warlocks... The worst of all.. Dream riders." Were they real? I sure hope she was messing around with me , but she had such a stern face that I couldn't be sure.

Coming downstairs I was instantly wafted into the cheesy aroma of Alfredo, making me simultaneously lick my lips. Food. I want it.

At the dinner table my mom and I silently ate together, casually looking at one another. I discretely took one of my moms pieces of chicken while she got up to get a napkin. Smiling to myself at my victory. I casually look to my phone and see that I had no messages, notifications, anything. I honestly don't know why my mom pays the bill, I have no one to talk to on the phone , no friends to text.

My thoughts are interrupted by the clearing of a throat. My eyes snap up to catch my mom looking at me intently.

"Yeah Ma?"

"I've been calling your name the past five minutes."

"I'm sorry, I was in my own little world."

"I see that. Like I was saying, I have something for you."

My mom pulled out a small rectangular box and my eyes lit up. "What is it ?" I ask , excitement clear in my voice. "Why don't you open it, then I'll explain what it is, and why I'm giving it to you."

I took the box from my mothers hands and opened the lid to see a bracelet placed carefully into the middle of the Plush middle. The bracelet was beautiful. Covered with beautiful hues of blue, green, purple , it looked like an exotic rainfall. There was an intricate golden inscription on the inside of the bracelet that was in some kind of greek.

I looked up at my mom, curiosity filling my features. My mom took a deep breath and put her hands over mine. "This bracelet was hand made by your great grandfather. He spent months melting and cooling different shades of glass to create the most beautiful colored bracelet anyone had ever seen. He then inscribed on the inside "will you marry me, Annie one as beautiful as the rarest of roses." In his Greek origin. He then proposed to your great grandmother Annie. Ever since then, this bracelet has been passed down from generation to generation. I was going to give it to you as a wedding gift one day in the future , but I don't know how much time we will have together. I'm afraid for you, Anna, and I want you to have this bracelet as a part of me. Take good care of it, so that maybe one day you can tell the story of your great grandfather and his love and dedication to your great grandmother."

I didn't know what else to say, so I just slid the bracelet onto my wrist, and let the unusual feeling of wearing a bracelet grow on me. I smiled at my mom and pulled her into a hug , "Thank you, I love it."

Then the doorbell rang.

Jessica's POV

When I returned home from school I rushed to my room. The last thing I wanted was confrontation between my mom and I. Closing my door, I started on my homework. About three pages into my Anatomy homework, my door burst open and I heard a bunch of angry and unintelligible slurs. My mom was drunk again. She threw a beer bottle against my wall and it shattered into a million pieces, making me jump.

"Get up."

This request confused me, normally she starts to hit me, or choke me, something, but instead she simply asked for me to stand. Not wanting to make her angry I stood up. "Drink this" I looked at the water in my moms hands. It looked fine, but it was odd for her to come in and offer me water .. What was she up to?

She noted my hesitation and put a scowl on her face. "I said drink it! You ungrateful little whore !" She raised her other hand and slapped me. The stinging sensation was so familiar that it barely hurt. I was use to the abuse. I shakily grabbed the cup from her and slowly put it towards my mouth. When it got near my mouth I sniffed it to see if it smelled funny. My mom didn't give me enough time to register what I was smelling before she pushed the cup to my mouth and forced it down my throat.

Slowly I felt myself slipping away.

My own... Mother... Drugged me..

And then everything was black.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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