My Sweet, Baby Girl.

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I grumble in response.

"Baby Girl, you okay?"

I shake my head no.

"Was it another dream about Casey?"

My stomach ties in knots at the very sound of her name. Casey was my dog. I had her for six years until Somehow she was brutally killed under a tree three months ago.

Knowing that my mom knows the answer there was no point in lying.

"Yeah," I sigh, "I really miss her mom."

Moms face softens, "I know, I know baby."

She smooths the mess of brown hair down on top of my head and sings to me.

"Don't cry,

My sweet,

Baby girl.

Dry your eyes,

My sweet,

Baby girl.

Mommies here,

Mommies here.

My sweet,

Baby girl."

She kissed the top of my head, making sure I was okay before standing and letting me know I have school in about fourty five minutes.

Sluggishly, I get out of bed. (making sure to dramatically dragg my feet and arms behind me)

Moments later, I get to the mirror. Wow. I look like crap.

My usual beautiful greenish blue eyes look red and full of exhaustion, my usual messy brown curly hair was messier than before, my lips all puffy from sleep, and my skin pale from the horrible nightmares that seem to stick to me as if i was its last hope for survival. Which, since its my nightmares, I guess I kinda am its last hope.

Standing here for these past few minutes staring at my horrific image in the mirror I decided it's time for a shower.

Hopping in I turn on the hot water and a little bit of cold water. Theres Nothing like a hot shower after you just had a dream about your deceased father and dog.

Happy Monday to me (note my sarcasm)


Finally getting out the shower I manage to get through my mess of hair and throw it in a bun.

Next I open my unorganized drawers and try to find something that's acceptable to wear today. Grabing my dads big sweater, some Levi pants, some socks, and a under shirt, I'm satisfied with my choices.

I pull on my clothes, put on my combat boots, grab my phone off the charger, and snatch up my bookbag.

Skipping every other step I make my way down the stairs.

The aroma of Bacon and syrup hit my nose halfway through my trip down.

"Anna hun, hurry, breakfast is ready and you only have fifteen minutes to get to school!"

"Okay!" I responded nonchalantly because my mom is horrible at time. Ten o'clock is actually nine thirty.

We ate in silence for a while and I finally said ,"Mom," looking her dead in the face with such an intense, serious look that I shocked myself by my behavior .

"Yes.." she responded slowly, as if considering if she had answered me correctly, but every bit as serious as I am.

"Mom, I want to know something about dad."

She chocked on her orange juice and tried to cover it up.

"Well, hun, what would you like to know?"

"How'd Dad die mom, like really die?"

"Annabelle Smith.." my mother started in a warning tone.

"But ma I gotta know." I said calmly trying not to upset her.

"Just remember this," she paused, "He found something out that he never imagined possible and they killed him."

They killed him? Whos they?

"Mom, who is 'they' please tell me!"

"Annabelle honey I -"


"Well sugerplum thats the bus, get a move on it!"


Hey you guys got my phone back so ill be writing regularly now trust and believe that! :)

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@Mar.23.00 ill love you forever

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