Masquerade Mistress (Interracial/BWWM)

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" Do I frighten you?", he mumbled against my lips, caressing my many curves beheld by my corset dress.

" The only thing that frightens me, is how you loyal and faithful you are to your fiance.", I sneered sarcastically,ripping his left hand from my waist and waving his ring finger in front of him as a reminder. His aqua blue eyes shown bright like the sea as he parted his lips in response. I could feel his warm breath fanning my neck and the top of my exposed breasts.

" Sweetheart, I think its best you watch your tone with me.", he whispered huskily as he grabbed my hips with his big hands, pulling me closer to his chiseled chest, leaving no space between us. Chest to chest, him towering over me and staring at me with his bright blazing eyes. " You wouldn't want me to do something, and trust me...I won't regret it."

I shivered at his threat, only imaging the things he could do to me; leaving me so turned on, I almost whimpered. How did I get myself in this situation?!, I thought in my head.

My mind wandered into sheer ecstasy as his lips hovered just centimeters away from my own luscious plump ones. We stood there for what seemed like an eternity and a day, just breathing in each others aromas. The hormonally crazed devil on my left side slowly eclipsing the angel on my right. I knew what, and who I wanted. My soft brown hands began stroking his hips, trailing up his chiseled abs. I was in a world of pure bliss, where nothing else mattered.

The sudden blowing of the chilly autumn air blew me out of the trance, and back into reality. I looked up at his handsome face ; his dark hair neatly coiffed, beautiful peachy skin shining in the moonlight, how his ocean eyes were ablaze with passion, and the desire to fulfill my own pleasures. And then I remembered, he was engaged.

Anger flooded back like a dam breaking loose of all the contained water that it withheld. I snatch my arms back and ripped myself out of his embrace.

" Fuck off Daniel", I spat. He looked at me with a contorted face; one so sexy and full of confusion, oh the things I would do to that face i- NO! I've got to get a grip on myself. Shaking my head in anger, not only at him for making me feel things no other man has made me feel before, but at myself for letting an engaged man make me feel these things, I turned away and rushed back to the ball, leaving nothing behind but the fluttering of my gown, and Daniel calling my name. I never looked back.


A/N: Hey Wattpaders! This is my first story on this amazing website. That was just a little preface of my story " Masquerade Mistress". A few warnings for the viewers:

1. It is a bwwm (black woman white man) interracial romance story.

2. There will be some intense sexual scenes in the book.

3. There will also be use of profanity.

Please vote\ comment\ fan me, leave your thoughts too! if I get at least 20 reads there will definitely be the first official chapter. Love you guys!

†Obey_ Leih†, Forever and a day §

Masquerade Mistress (Interracial/BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now