Masquerade Mistress ch.2

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2 Months Later


Jennifer' s POV

   It's been 2 months since I attended that masquerade ball. Each day that passes I do good to try and erase that awful party scene out of my head. But every once in a while, theres something aroung that'll remind me of that night. A beautiful vintage dress here, a party mask there. I guess you can only imagine how I felt when I heard that Phantom of the Opera was back on Broadway. Slowly but effectively, I'm making progress on my life. I've just created a hard shell that keeps people out so they never know what I'm feeling. I'd say its working, nobody's bothered me since.

   Today's just another day at the office. The usual frantic faculty, non stop ringing phones, my boss barking orders like no other. Stressful, I know. But being a personal assistant to a very powerful man's company has its perks, as well as a big paycheck. Knock Knock.

   "It's open!" I called out. My boss, Mr. Carter poked his shiny bald head through the door.

   " Good morning Jennifer", he started, walking completely into the room. " I have some good news today". I replied with a monotoned OK. His surprises usually consist of some nonsense that has nothing to do with me whatsoever.

   " Well first off, you should know that Browning has just joined our company", he started. As he talked my eyes glazed over and I didnt here a word he said.

   " And finally, we'll be getting a new partner in at the firm here, working right along side you and me". This intrigued me.

   " But sir, I thought you didnt want a partner working with you at the comapny. Too stressful, remember?" I asked, hoping he'd change his mind. I really didnt want another person working here. A bit bitchy I know, but more than likely the new partner will be a guy, and that is something I definitely can live without.

   "Ah, I remember. However, with this man on our team, I just know our money here at the company will skyrocket", he finished beaming with pride. I on the other hand had a blank stare trying to hide the fact that I was crumbling on the inside. All because he said it. " This man." I knew it. I knew it.

   " Jennifer, you still here?" he chuckled, waving his hand in my face. I looked at him with a grim stare, thinking to myself. I would just have to come to terms with the situation. I wasnt about to lose my job over some guy I didnt even know, let alone give my boss grief over it. Its not like I could hide from other men forever anyway.

   I mustered up my best smile, and nodded my head at my boss. " I understand sir." He smiled and got up from the chair he was sat at. " Great. He starts on Monday." With that he left my office.

   I sat in my chair and let out a huge breath, running my fingers through my hair. I dont know why I was so anxious about meeting this guy. He was probably old anyway.

Daniel's POV

   Since the masquerade ball two months ago, I've been trying to occupy myself with work. I find this as a coping method to fill the somewhat void in my life. Since the whole thing with Jennifer, I havent been able to get her out of my head. I've even tried being civil to Ashely the past two months to try and forget about Jennifer, but I've failed miserably.

   Right now I'm getting ready for work, my first day at a new office that I've become partnered at. Throwing myself into my work is the only way I can cope. As I'm about to walk out the door, Ashely calls out to me from behind. " Yeah?" I replied somewhat annoyed. She's standing there wearing my dress shirt I wore last night. I guess she was trying to be sexy for me,but she was failing miserably.  " I just wanted to say bye before you left. You know,your first day in a New office, I wanted to wish you luck" she smiled sauntering up to me. I simply gave her the one over glance and shook my head. "Thanks but I've got to go. You should go put some clothes on,yeah?"

She nodded her head and I trailed outside sighing the whole way to the office. I could already see today was going to be a long one.

Jennifer' s POV
   "Good morning Jennifer", Marta the Secretary greeted me. I smiled politely and hurried to the break room to get Mr. Carter's morning coffee.  I just wanted this day to be over,and it didn't even start yet. After I finished making his coffee I walked to the elevator and waited for the lift to come. When it finally did arrive, I stepped in and was met by an intoxicating smell. It smelled like that of cologne,and cleanliness. It almost made me want to smile.

   Stepping off the lift and trudging to Mr.Carter's office, I smiled at Ethan, another co-worker of mine. He's asked me to lunch a few times before,but I'm done with guys,and I decline everytime.  We were still friends though. Finally making it to the office, I hear men's laughter fill the room and my heart instantly sinks. Here goes nothing, I think to myself. I knock on the door,praying none of them can hear me, But when I hear Carter say come in, I know it's time.

   I slowly open the door, and see Mr.Carter in conversation with another employee here, and another guy,but his back is to me. Must be the new guy I thought. My palms were sweating as I handed Carter his coffee. " Thank you Jennifer, while you're here, you might as well meet our new partner at the company. Mr.Brason, this is my wonderful personal assistant, Ms. Jennifer Kingston. "

   The man in the chair finally stood up and faced me. When he looked at me, I went deaf. My insides froze, my heart legit became a murmur in my chest. "Hello Ms. Kingston, nice to meet you. But you can  call me Daniel", he rambled on.

   "But you can call me Daniel..." , was on loop in my head. Holy Shit. I tried to breathe easy, but I felt as if the walls were closing in on me. But his oceanic peepers had a captivating hold on me, I couldnt even budge.He reached down to shake my hand, and when he  touched me, his eyes grew huge.

   He knew, I knew.  This was the man that's been in my mind these past 2 months. The one that has had an affect on me the most, and most of all,  he was engaged.  Still we didn't move away from each other, and he laced his fingers in mine. My cheecks got unbelievably hot, yet we didn't break eye contact.

  " Jennifer", he murmured, barely above a whisper. My throat felt dry as air and I didn't trust myself to speak. I simply nodded my head. He gave an exasperated half smile at me. I couldn't breathe for anything. Mr. Carter finally broke the silence asking,  "Do you two know each other? "

   Daniel smiled broadly and nodded his head, grasping my hand tighter. I wad still at an absolute loss for words.



A/N:  So the song I felt was necessary for the end of this chapter was 'You Found Me'  by The Fray. Enjoy!!

Obey_Leih, Forever and a Day

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