Masquerade Mistress ch.3

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Jennifer's POV

Still, hours after meeting Daniel, I was heaving deeply. Ive been trying to drink the same cup of coffee for the whole morning, and due to my shakiness, my desk has gotten the best of the caffeine. My mind was running too fast for me to catch. My thoughts were so jumbled, I didnt even know where to begin or where to start. How could this be true?! Where did he come from? Is this even a coincident that he just happens to be at the same office I work at?!

I definitely need air.

I grabbed my purse and threw on my coat, bolting to the elevator. I push the button frantically, beacuse I felt my cheeks warm up, the hair stood up on the back of my neck, which only happened when...

I glanced around the office. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, maybe Im just- and then I saw him. He was sitting in his office with the door wide open, leaned back in the chair casually, watching something that was adjacent to his desk. Suddenly his eyes rolled on me, making my skin crawl in the most delicious way. That infamous smirk of his began to grow on his pink lips, as he began to rise out of his chair. My heart was damn near in my shoes when I realized he was making his way towards me.

With each quick stride he took I grew more frantic. Looking around I could not find any means of escape. And like the heavens were in my favor, the elevator's ding signaled that the lift had arrived.

I clamored into the small lift like my life depended on it and pushed the lobby button just in time before I saw his handsome face get closed off by the lift doors. When I felt the elevator moving downwards, I slouched against the wall and let out a huge breath I had no idea I was holding. I could not catch a breath today, I thought.

Daniel's POV

I was still in a bit of a shock after this morning when I found out that Jennifer, my Jennifer, was an employee here at my new work place. Ok, so she wasnt really mine, but still... in a way we had something. I chose to take this as a good thing. I havent been able to get her out of my head since she ran away from me at the ball 2 months ago, and I think this is the time to make things right. I just dont know how she feels about it all, and judging how she ran away, yet again, down the elevator, I dont think she wants anything to do with me.

Riingabooba, riiingboobi! I sighed, already knowing who was calling my phone. I'd set an annoying ringtone, for the most annoying person. Without even looking at the caller id, I picked up the phone and muttered " Hello, Ashely" into the reciever.

" Hi babe!!!", she shrieked in the phone. I shook my head. I never could comprehend how one person could change my whole demeanor just with their voice.

" Is there something you want, Im at work".

"Yeah! Actually its about your work. I was wondering when you were going to give me a grand tour of your new office honey!". I stared at the wall with a blank face. She just didnt understand. I thought about saying, The reason I go to work is to get away from you for about 9 hours!, but that would be too rude for even me to say. 

"Oh uh,... That wont be necessary Ashely. Its just a standard office,you wouldnt li-" 

"NONSENSE! I'll LOVE it! How about tomorrow, Im at the hair salon now. I'll see you at home lovebug, muuaah!" And with that she hung up. 

Yup. I knew it would be a long day.

Jennifer's POV 

The time was now 8:15, half an hour until it was time to go home. I aways worked late at night without even wanting to. But thats life when youre the personal assistant to a big time buisness owner. Plus the pay is insane. 

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