Masquerade Mistress ch.1

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~~~~~~~~~~I got more than 20 reads, so the real story begins my loves ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jennifer's POV:

" I dont care, you are going to this party!!", Alisa screamed in my face. Shes the type of person that is up for anything,including the wild parties she constantly makes me attend. In comparison, I'm the calm, grounded sand, while she's the spontaneous ocean. We may be completely different, but her being her is just what I need in my life; thus her being my best friend.

" I dont know Alisa...I have piles upon stacks of work to do,and this party will just -"

" Help you live again! You havent been yourself since the whole Justin thing."

I looked down at my hands,suddenly embarassed about my "love life",if thats what you call just a never ending cycle of pain,heart ache and cheating. Justin was the most recent failed "relationship" out of about twenty others. I thought it would be sweet to surprise my "boyfriend" of two months at his job at the auto body shop,only to find him screwing one of his customers in the back of her car.

I was in deep contemplation with myself and didnt notice Alisa staring at me.

" Weeeeelllll...?", she questioned, stretching out the single word. I took a deep breath and looked at my best friend. I took in her shiny green eyes and long auburn hair; my best friend was so adorable. Not only in her looks but her personality. Shes been there for me through everything from the heart throbs to the heart breaks. The least I owed her was to agree to accompany her to a party.

"Phhh. Ok Lis, you cracked me. I'll go to the party with you", I said with pretend attitude, not even trying to hide the smile tugging at my lips.

"EEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!" ,she squealed in my ear, jumping in my lap. I couldnt help but laugh. I picked up the party invitation and read through it:

~~Forever in a Night Masquerade Ball~~

A night of mystery, will you join us?

I thought it sounded a bit creepy but, I had already agreed to go. Tonight, I wouldnt be the heartbroken girl, the vulnerable weak and insecure one hiding out on the sidelines. NOPE. Tonight, I was a mystery.


A few hours later, I stood in front of my bedroom mirror amiring myself from every possible angle. Gone were the weekend sweats and tank top. In front of me stood a beauty, and this is the most confident I've felt in a long time. I loved the way the aqua blue and black lace corset hugged my curves. I ran my freshly manicured nails across the poofy tulle material that was the skirt. I twirled to the side and took in my other features. My natural long black hair that I had straightened, my bright brown eyes and the long lashes that fan out around them,my clear caramel complexion. I had to admit, I was really excited if not overly about this masquerade ball.

I walked down the small flight of stairs of the apartment I shared with Alisa. She was already downstairs waiting, and she looked amazing too, in a green mermaid styled gown. With her auburn reddish hair she reminded me of a modern day Ariel. She smiled and complimented me to what seemed to never end. I appreciated it none the less, I havent felt wanted or pretty in the longest. We gathered our last things and were out the door, to a night full of mystery and who knows what else.


The first thing I heard at the party was the music. The hosts had really gone all out to make it seem like we were back in the 1800's, and boy had they succeeded. Beethoven was filling the air, as well the smell of the oil to light the torches that lined the walls. I smiled brightly, thinking about how romantic this would be...if only I had someone special. I felt saddness begin to grow in my heart, but I quickly rushed it away. "Tonight you are electric, beautiful, a mystery. Dont forget that", I said to myself. I smiled, placed the mask over my eyes, and gracefully walked into the room.

Daniel's POV:

" Dannyyyy...", I heard Ashely whine. I rolled my eyes over to where she was sat at the table. I made sure she was across the table from me.

" What the hell do you want now, Ashely?!", I know that was a bit harsh, but that is literally the only way i can talk to this woman. I dont even like her, yet she was my fiance. Lucky me.

" Why are you just sitting there looking around? Dont I look nice?" No, i thought,

" I've already told you that you look nice Ashely what else do you want from me?". I seriously cant even deal with her. I came to have fun,not stress over "the love of my life".

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