Not an Update!

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My dear subjects... the Queen is taking a break from the 'Pad. I know, I know, its hard and however will you cope, right?

Ok but seriously I am taking a break. Reasons why?

1. SCHOOL! - yeah, as in benchmark>benchmark>benchmark>surprise-test-that-is-actually-a-test-review-for-the-upcoming-benchmark-you-need-to-study-for. an then projects -.-

2. I recently lost my phone! this beautiful device is what I do about 96.49% of my updates on, so depression has over took! and just judging from these 2 reasons alone, you can obviously know that my feels towards the world is just like >>> t(-.-t)

3. WRITERS BLOCK!! is a bitch, but i promise, I think about ideas for updates whenever I can.

4. Apparently a student of my mom's (she's a teacher) follows me on here, so now my mom is kinda reading my stories, and wanting to collab with me?? YESS because at dinner we will sit down and have spaghetti whilst we talk about the next steamy scene in my stories! YAY! but seriously, can you imagine?! it'll be all like,

' mama can you pass the meatballs?'

* mama dukes picks up bowl to pass it off, cocks head to side while looking at bowl of circular meats*

' you know, these balls can be some inspiration for that sex scene we need to write, dontcha think?'

!!!!!!FUUUUCCCKKK DOOOTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!! Heellll nooooo. gotta lay low for a while.

~ So now that you know the struggles in my life, you can understand why updates will be coming (eventually!) but at a later time. but still comment, vote, fan, suggest to others, and in the words of Chris Breezy, " Just let it be beautifuuul".

<3 Stay Regal, Obey Leih, Forever and a Day.

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