Chapter 1

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Chloe’s Pov

I hummed as I skipped towards the large building, my eyes raking over it much like how the males outside seemed to do with my body. Lovely!

Let me introduce myself. My name is Chloe Graves, depressing name I know, and I am 17 years old. My hair was a honey brown which made my deep emerald eyes pop, the intensity of them scaring most of the people I had come across.

I was also tall for my age believe it or not, my legs seemingly going on forever I had been told as well as the fact I apparently had a killer rack. I had rolled my eyes at them, I thought I was pretty but nothing more than what most were.

Anyway…back to my appearance. My skin complexion was also darker than most, being half Spanish meant I had the incredible skin colour that went with it, the tone that most models and tanning-addicts would kill for. I loved my heritage, my mother being full Spanish and meeting my father when she went on a business meeting in Australia. I know, I thought it was adorable when my mum told me about it too. It was totally love at first sight apparently.

So, anyway I bet you are wondering why I am heading towards a large building with reluctance, let me fill you in. I had moved from Spain where my parents were still living to go to this exact school, random I know but let me explain.

You see, I’m a werewolf.

No joke I promise! I actually turn into a  giant wolf – thanks to the alpha blood in my system – I was bigger than most when I shifted. I loved my wolf though, thinking she was gorgeous since I was rarer than most. You see most wolves are brown, unless you are an Alpha in which you are a pure black, but see I was a snowy white one.

Before you ask I don’t have any magical talents or anything, like seeing the future or being to move things with my mind I was just a specially coloured wolf I suppose. I was also only a half werewolf, my mother being human and finding out about the whole werewolf thing when my dad confessed she was his mate.

If your curious a werewolves mate is the most important thing in their life, and while they were meant to be considered rare to find more and more wolves were being lucky in finding them and settling down. Once a wolf found their mate nothing else mattered but their happiness, and while they still loved there family and such there mate would ALWAYS come first no matter what! I thought it was incredible, to have someone to love you so much that you were all that mattered to them.

Anyway back to the matter at hand, I had been sent here by my parents to visit this school which happened to teach a pack of very important werewolves like myself and give them a letter.

Yes, you heard right. I had to travel for miles, on a plane, to give the alpha a letter which I wasn’t even allowed to open. Ridiculous right, I mean sure I was tempted to sneak a peek but I knew my father had trusted me with it so I had resisted…reluctantly.

So here I was, dressed in a simple pair of dark red skinny jeans and a white vest top and I was freezing! I wish they had told me how cold it was going to be, like seriously I could feel the goose-bumps as they rose on my arms.

“I should have brought a jacket” I complained out loud as I plodded into the large school, my eyes taking everything in as I gaped at how incredible it looked.

“This is so much better than my school” I mumbled in awe as I looked around, ignoring the confused and slightly creped out students as I squinted my eyes as I took in the work and images which decorated some of the walls. It was so…old fashion, but strangely I found I liked it.

“Who is she?”

“I don’t know, she looks weird though”

“Oh shut up Kate, your just jealous that she’s hotter than you”

I rolled my eyes at the humans muttering with each other, unaware of the fact I could hear everything they were saying. I didn’t care though, most thought I was weird, I mean even my parents looked at me sometimes like I was either an idiot or I had a few screws missing if you catch my drift. I mean I was a smart person, but generally I have been told I can act like a total freak.

“She’s a shifter, we had better tell Chuck”

Ah that’s what I need, this Chuck must be the alpha. Since he was only meant to be 18, a year older than me he still went here which I thought was cool, it meant I wouldn’t have to go to the pack house.

As I spun around on the heels of my small black pumps I subtly breathed in to try and pinpoint the two wolves scents, grinning and punching the air with a whoop as I imprinted them to my memory.

“I don’t think she’s all there”

OH….maybe I shouldn’t have done that. Quickly putting my arms down I skipped down the corridor, smiling randomly at a few people as they leaned against the lockers as I went past. Following the scents I continued to imprint the scents of the few wolves which I came across into my memory as I followed the two pack mates trail, feeling as if I was on a treasure hunt and I was the explorer. The werewolves watched me wearily, holding their mates closer if they had one while I seethed in jealousy. I wanted that damn it!

Shaking my head I continued to skip down the hall, my nose twitching as the scent got closer and closer. I was brilliant at tracking, having alpha blood in my system meant I had more enhanced senses which was a bonus.

“Bingo” I popped out with a grin as I reached the door where their scents were most concentrated, reading the sign on the door which stated MATHS. I breathed a sigh of relief, I hated maths with a passion so I personally didn’t feel bad about interrupting it.

Knocking on the door I walked inside, my bright emerald gaze scanning for the teacher to find him staring at me as he stood in the front of the class. Were all the teachers werewolves as well?

“Can I help you?” he asked, his head tilted in my direction as he kept glancing over to the back of the room. Freak!

“Yep” I stated with a pop, leaning on the doorway as I stared at him.

“What…” he trailed off, a frown on his youthful face making me pout.

“Your too pretty to frown” I stated before I could help myself, slapping a hand over my mouth as if it would take back the words which had just fell out of my mouth. I really needed a filter!

The class seemed to find it funny, the teacher blushing slightly as they laughed at both mine and his expense. It wasn’t that though which stunned me enough to glance towards the back of the room, a furious and pissed sounding growl rumbling through the room just loud enough for my sensitive hearing to pick up on. What the hell? Whatever it was it seemed to make the teacher go pale while the few humans were oblivious, what was wrong with him, hell the growl seemed to send shivers of delight down my spine. How could he not like the feeling?

Following his nervous gaze I let my eyes trail over the room, finally reaching the source of the apparent growling in the far corner of the room.

What I saw made my eyes go wide and I couldn’t stop what came out of my mouth as my eyes locked with his, my wolf purring in delight at the pure sight of him.

“Fuck pretty, your hot!” 

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