Chapter 3

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Chloe’s Pov

I blew through my nose as I desperately tried to get rid of his scent as it seemed to cling to my senses, but the way it surrounded me as if it knew it would only serve to taunt and tease me my efforts were useless.

Once I had run from my jerk of a mate I had reluctantly gotten lost in the school, something which pissed me off no end since I prided myself in being an excellent tracker. But by the way my only train of thoughts were focused on the yumminess of my so-called mate I was finding it increasingly hard to think about anything else, it was seriously affecting my sense of direction.

“Finally” I sighed as I spotted the front desk, the letters RECEPTION printed on the dark wooden counter as a woman who seemed to be in her late 30’s typed away on her computer. She was human reluctantly, which meant I couldn’t exactly go up to her and ask her where the alpha of the current pack was. She would think I was even more of a nut case, not that it would bother me but I really needed to get this over and done with before I met my dark-haired mate again.

As I approached the desk I placed a friendly smile on my face as I glanced at the clock, lessons would be ending soon for lunch and the last thing I wanted was to get caught in the middle of it. There was nothing worse than finding yourself in a stampede of people, but I was more worried about having to faze those hazel eyes which seemed to haunt me no end.

“Excuse me but may I have your help?” I asked politely, the woman jumping slightly as she looked in my direction with a confused look.

“You don’t go here” she stated and I fought the urge to roll my eyes, really now…

“Correct, but I have a letter I was told to deliver to someone’s son by their father but I cannot for the life of me locate him” I lied smoothly, hey I may be a crap liar but I can swerve the truth just fine.  The woman looked taken aback but didn’t question it further, really they should improve the security of this place.

“Ok dear, what’s his name?” she asked softly, seeing my slightly worried and innocent expression on my face. I loved that I could play the victim so well…

“Chuck” I stated, remembering them talking about him earlier when I followed two members of his pack. The woman looked shocked before hurriedly typing something on her keyboard, a slightly panicked look in her eye. Ok, what the hell?

“Room 26, you had better hurry I know his father is not a patient man” she rushed out leaving me stunned, shrugging I asked for a map before making my way to the direction room.

It happened to be a lot easier to find then I expected, but only when I reached the door and smelt the husky aroma of my mate I realised it was the exact same room I had entered beforehand. I began to panic, what the hell was I going to do now?

I don’t know, go in and accept your matemy wolf questioned, wanting nothing more than for me to pounce in his arms and let him devour me like I had pictured earlier that day. Letting his large canines sink into my throat as he marked me for eternity, for all to see. I sighed, for once I was not going to listen to her.

Knocking on the same door I walked in the room, ignoring the pair of eyes which seemed to burn into the side of my face as the students looked at me with confusion yet again. I knew what they must have been thinking, I mean I had done the exact same thing previously before legging it out of the room after calling the teacher fit and my mate a hunk. Yep…I would be confused as well.  

“Can I help you?” the teacher asked nervously, keeping his eyes diverted encase he elicited another warning from my mate. I sighed, why were they acting so cautious around him?

“Yep, I have a letter for the Chuck” I spoke calmly, adding in a tone that only the werewolves could hear that I needed to speak to their alpha.

Hearing movement at the back I snapped my head in the direction only to narrow my eyes when I saw Mr tall and handsome getting up, without the slut thankfully. What the hell was he doing…Crap!

“Well, hello Mr alpha” I mumbled when I realised who he was, my wolf purring at the thought of having such a powerful mate while the human in my wanted nothing more than to run when I remembered leaving him when I ran. I cringed as he looked at me with barely restrained anger, just give him the letter and run I kept chanting to myself as I made my way outside. Why did it have to be him?

“You have a lot of explaining to do” he hissed as he pushed me into the wall, my back thumping against it as the door of the classroom swung shut and hid us from view. I swallowed, but even in my fearful haze I noticed how little force he had pushed me with, as if he didn’t want to hurt me but wanted to make a point.

I fought the urge to whimper like the animal I was as he pressed his whole body against me, the delicious bolts of pleasure which ran through me had me fighting the urge to wrap my arms around his neck to bring him closer.

“I don’t know what you mean” I tried to say confidently, cringing at the slight tremble in my voice as I restrained from pressing my trembling lips to his smirking ones. No, be strong! I though. It was the sudden scent of the slut on him which made me snap out of my lust filled daze as I blanked my expression completely. He seemed taken-apart by my sudden action, not that I cared or anything…

“Why are you making this so difficult?” he sneered, obviously not happy that he was no longer getting to me. How could I when I could smell her all over him, bloody bitch!

“I’m not, I have a letter for you” I replied flatly, thrusting the thick white envelop in his face as I did so. Taking it he looked me over carefully, the hunger in his eyes was hard to resist but thankfully the smell of cheap perfume on him made my wolf shun back enough for me to regain control of my actions.

Snatching it from my hand he looked it over curiously, his left hand clamping on my wrist in a firm but gentle manner as he ripped it open. I knew it was to prevent me from running like I did last time, but I couldn’t help but want to scoff when I thought he was lucky he didn’t get my knee in his nuts for sleeping around.

I watched his expression carefully, a smirk twitching at his lips as his eyes seemed to light up as he looked at me. I paled, ok now I was worried what my father was planning since from the look in his deep brown eyes I knew there was a good chance it involved me.

Unfortunately for me, I wasn’t wrong. 

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