Chapter 4

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Chloe’s Pov

I knew something was up as soon as I saw his eyes light-up, how a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips even though he tried to suppress it unsuccessfully. I frowned, what the hell had I done to deserve all this?

“Well...Chloe” he purred, saying my name with enough lust that I had to stifle the shiver that wanted to run thought me. I continued to take deep breaths, needing to smell the skank on him to calm myself from my animal instincts. My wolf shunned back and hissed at the intimate scent on his neck and while it physically pained me to do so I knew it was for the best, I needed to have a clear head when I was dealing with him.

“Spit it out” I snapped in a completely un-like me manner, I was normally the calm and collected one who didn’t care what others thought, but my slut of a mate was making my emotions go haywire. I didn’t like it, but by the way his eyes flickered with amusement I knew I was on my own in my hate fest.

“Oh feisty, I like that” he grinned with a wink, the smouldering look sending a rush of heat through my entire body as my wolf purred at the feelings he was eliciting from me. Deep breaths…deep breaths…

“Just get this over with so I can go” I sighed, making my voice monotone as my wolf again shunned back when she caught the scent of the other female. I hated doing this to her, it causing me just as much pain to do so but I needed to be able to think rationally.

He seemed taken aback by the lack of emotion in my tone, his eyes flashing with what looked like frustration and shock before the smirk appeared back on his face. I sighed, I knew he was going to make this difficult.

“You’re not going anywhere” he grinned smugly, my eyes narrowing but otherwise I tried to keep my expression blank. What was he talking about?

“Huh?” was my bright response.

“You see this lovely letter you’ve given me states that your father wants you to stay here for a few weeks, so beautiful, looks like me and you are going to be spending a lot of time together” he state smugly, his eyes sparkling as I felt my face fall and my eyes water. Did my father not want me anymore, I knew I had been having a few issues lately but why was he sending me here? Was it my mother, her idea?

“Can I read it?” I asked weakly, my eyes glossing over with tears but I refused to let them fall. I saw his expression flash with something that looked like pain but I was too distracted to take note of it, his expression again turning smug even if it looked a little on the forced side.

“Sure, not that it will chance anything” he shrugged, holding the letter out which I quickly snatched. While I was in confusion and pain over why my father had sent me away my wolf was a whole other story, she was practically howling at the thought of spending more time with her mate. I scowled.

Dear Alpha,

I have a request to ask you regarding my daughter Chloe, as a known acquaintance to my pack I hope you consider my request.

We have been having a large issue with a number of rouges coming onto our territory and while my daughter is extremely talented as a fighter I do not wish for her to be involved. I ask you as Alpha to Alpha to consider having her under your protection for four weeks at the maximum, if you wish to deny then send her back to us.

Your sincerely,

Alpha Graves

I felt my jaw so slack as I read it over and over again, the fact that my father hadn’t even given me a choice in the matter causing anger to flood through my senses. What the hell was he thinking deciding this for me, it was my choice, not his!

“Reject the request” I practically growled at the dark haired alpha, my eyes flashing to a slight yellow as my anger raked through me. He seemed taken aback for a few moments before panic and anger flashed through his gaze, his face setting in a way I knew meant he was used to getting his way.

“Now why would I do that?” He taunted, pressing himself further against me as he plucked the neatly scripted letter from my hand. My eyes widened at his suddenly imamate move, his scent filtering into me making me want to shun back as my wolf whimpered at the female scent on him.

“Because it’s what I want” I said flatly, seemingly shocking him that I wasn’t appearing as affected with the close proximity as much as he was obviously affected by mine. I could tell it both confused him and pissed him off, knowing that he was reacting so strongly to me without me responding. I doubt he even realised why, jerk!

“Well it’s a lucky think that I’m the Alpha then isn’t it” he taunted, pressing himself even closer causing me to have to scrunch my eyes shut as I tried to ignore the urge to rub myself all over him to smoother him in my scent. Now was not the time for these urges I thought furiously, my wolf though thankfully not as controlling thanks to the skanks scent on him. I would never have thought I would be relieved that the bitch had practically been licking him when I walked in, but while I was filled with hurt and rage I knew it was for the best.

“Reject the request” I repeated, not knowing what to say. But I knew by the way his jaw was set, the irritation and confusion in his eyes to why I was reacting to him like this was both frustrating him and intriguing him, I knew he was going to say no and I was again sadly right.

“No, you will be coming with me to the pack house” he stated using his Alpha tone. I raised a brow, again shocking him as I looked at him with disgust as I tried to hide the sensual tremor which wanted to run through me. God his voice sounded so husky just then…kill me now!

“Don’t think I will be your lackey Alpha” I sneered, my tone filled with resentment causing him to grit his teeth and look away. I couldn’t see the emotion in his face as he glared at the wall beside me, the fact his body was literally flush against mine not helping my plan to get away. I should have legged it as soon as I found out my mate was a jerk, should’ve left the letter at the front desk and fled. I frowned, why in the world didn’t I think of that in the first place?

“No but you are my mate, which means whether you like it or not I own you” he snarled, my eyes widening at the nerve of this bloke. I felt my anger rise, my upper lip twitching as I tried to supress a scowl as I stared at him with hate. “Shit…” was all I heard him mutter before I rammed my knee into his groin. Bastard!

Thanks again for reading guys and while I wasn’t completely happy with this chapter I wanted to put it up to see what you thought of it.

There can be a number of ways in how this story can go but I haven’t decided just how yet, suggestions are welcome though if you are wanting it to go a certain way.

Thanks again for all the comments, votes and fans and hope you continue to enjoy the story.

Lots of love


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