Chapter 12

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Hey guys,

Sorry for the long wait but the update is now up and running so I hope you enjoy. Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote and comment since you really do make my day. Sorry the chapter is really short but I thought it was more affective that way, the next update will be quicker up and longer so don’t worry!

Sorry for any errors, I was in a rush to update!

Lots of love


Chuck’s Pov

It didn’t take me long to find her, following her delicious scent and tracks as I scanned my surroundings only to discover I had arrived at some sort of clearing in the woods. Looking around I realised that it was filled with a large amount of blue-bells, my eyes taking it all in as they seemed to light up the area as they glowed in the night. It was truly beautiful I thought, it fitted Chloe to a T.

As soon as those thoughts entered my head I shoved them aside not wanting to dwell on them, I couldn’t afford to let my guard down around her. I had lost too many people to let her in only to lose her was well, I didn’t want her to fall for me, I didn’t want to fall for her.

Looking around I quickly found my mate, my heart clenching as I took note of the gorgeous white wolf curled in a tight ball under a large willow tree. It was the first time I had seen her in her wolf form, and the fact she was a rare white one not getting passed me either. She looked incredible, but my heart ached as my wolf craved to lay beside her, to bury his nose in her pelt and protect her from the dangers out there. She looked both so delicate and strong, while her wolf was bigger than most females since she was the daughter of an alpha she was still tiny compared to my own large one. It only fuelled my wolf’s urge to protect her, but I refused to move.

‘Go to her! She’s ours!’  my wolf snarled furiously as he tried to fight for control, making me glad that I had years of practice controlling my instincts and urges when I wanted to. Instead I laid down on the ground, the grass beneath me brushing the fur on my stomach as I stretched my large form out, watching her. My large head rested on my front two paws as I breathed through my muzzle, my ears twitching as I remained alert to my surroundings as I gazed at her sleeping form.  

I didn’t know how long I laid there and watched her but I found that just being near her, knowing that she was well and safe was enough to calm my wolf to a much more manageable manner. I had to admit she was an incredible wolf, the colour of her fur suiting her uniqueness perfectly.

It was when the sun started to rise that I found my eyes opening, shock stunning me when I realised I must have dozed off while watching her sleep. I quickly looked to my mate, relieved to see that she hadn’t moved other than to stretch out slightly causing to me catch a glimpse of her underbelly. The sight sent my wolf into a frenzy, my tongue hanging out of my mouth on its own accord as I soon found myself panting at the sight. I knew it was down to my wolf, the sight of his mate sprawled out and on view like that making his instincts double tenfold, clearly telling me that he wanted his mate and he wanted her now!

I knew I couldn’t stay long with her looking so tempting; my wolf salivating at the sight in front of him as I quickly rose to my feet slightly unsteadily. I knew I had to get out of there before she woke, not wanting her to think I had stayed with her while she slept, not to mention if I stayed any longer than I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from pouncing and mounting her right there and then to claim her officially as mine.

I shook my head, needing to clear my thoughts as I took one last look at her before fleeting into the direction I had come from, pleased that the direction of the wind meant it would hide my scent. I was lucky to find her so quickly last night I thought, but decided not to dwell on it as I literally had to fight the urge to give into my wolf and go back to the one he was after. 

I got back to the pack house quickly in my wolf form, taking note that no one was up as everyone was still in bed with their mates. The thought pained me, that they had someone to unload all of their shit on, to tell them about their day and have them sooth there worries.

‘We could have that! Go back to her!’ My wolf pleaded with me, obviously giving up with trying to demand me to change my mind about my decision to push my mate away. I shook my head, knowing that I was being foolish and selfish with my thoughts of jealously for my pack mates. I knew I could have that if I wanted to, but I didn’t want to have it, to feel so complete only to have it taken away from me. I would rather not have it at all I decided, I couldn’t lose her like I lost my parents. I knew it would kill me.

Slipping inside after shifting I instantly headed to the shower, again finding that I had slept well that night as I did so. I knew it was from being close to her when I slept; my previous agitated mood had dulled down to nothing as soon as I had caught sight of her under the large willow tree. I sighed at my thoughts but decided not to think about them as I closed my eyes and let the hot water run over my bare muscles as I stood under the spray of the shower. I knew what I was doing was hurting her, but I was only saving us both from the pain which would follow when everything went wrong.

(Sorry for the short chapter, the next one will be longer I promise. Let me know what you think, vote!)

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