Chapter 6

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Hey readers,

I just wanted to warn you that this chapter is shorter than my others, but to be honest I was too eager to update to wait to add more to it like I had first planned. Anyway sorry about that but don’t worry I am hoping the next chapter will be longer.

Oh I almost forgot, thank you for all the comments, votes, fans and just those who read my story since I love how well its gone down!

Don’t forget to comment, I wanted your opinion on what you think about a Chuck pov? I know my other stories I have up so far has multiple povs between the characters but I didn’t know whether it would be better to keep this all in Chloe’s pov or add in a Chuck one. Please let me know, I am not just writing this because I love it –I want you to enjoy it just as much.

Have a great Christmas.

Lots of love and happy holidays


Chloe’s pov

Ok, please tell me I did not just think that? No…well shit.

I quickly came to my senses, pushing him away roughly as he grunted when he made the impact on the ground. I knew I only managed to shove him over due to him being surprized by my action, I may be a werewolf and have alpha blood in me, but as my mate he is naturally stronger unfortunately. As I brought my hand up to my neck I couldn’t help but let my eyes widen as I felt his saliva in the dip where my neck meets my shoulder, it finally occurred to me just how close he had been to making me his, oh hell no!

“What the hell is your problem?” I screeched at him causing him to cringe, the fact that we had picked up a crowd of students as they watched us stunned finally registering to me. Great, just what I needed in a situation like this!

“My problem? What the hell is your problem?” he hissed as he pushed himself up, my gaze quickly diverting when I took note of the 8 pack he had when his shirt pulled up with the action. Oh god, he looked delicious.

“You were going to bite me!” I continued to screech, my tone reaching extremely high decibels causing the werewolves to cringe at the pitch of it. Huh, serves the fuckers right!

“Will you keep your voice down” he hissed, it finally occurring to me that humans went to this school. While most of the schools population were in fact werewolves, about 5% were human if my delicate nose was correct, which of course it was. I shrugged, the fact the humans were giving him odd looks due to the whole biting thing being more of an amusement to me than anything.

“Why?” I snapped only to have him stalk towards me. “Shit” was all I said before I tried to make my get-away, feeling quite proud of myself for the distance I managed to get before a body collided with mine sending us both onto the floor with a thud.

I knew from the sparks when we touched, how my wolf moaned in delight who it was. But unfortunately for the both of us the fall had caused me to land in an extremely awkward angle, the sound of a bone crunching loud enough for even the humans to cringe at as it filtered through the hall until there was complete and utter silence. Well…until I started screaming that was.

“FUCK, will you get the hell off me you idiot! Look what you’ve done, oh no you couldn’t be charming like I expected, or sweet, no you had to go and break my flipping wrist!” I screamed at him, the red hot pain flashing from my wrist and up my arm as I thrashed under his weight. “And will you get the hell off me!” I continued to screech, my last comment followed by the fact I could no longer feel his weight on me before I was scooped up into a sitting embrace.

“Shit, I am so sorry. Let me have a look” Chuck pleaded as he looked at me with a pained expression. I felt my lips seal together, silent tears running down my cheeks as I pouted. It hurt, but the fact it was healing at an awkward and incorrect angle due to our healing abilities meant it was more than a little painful.

“What so you can break it again?” I snapped at him, though we both knew the fight had gone out of me as my arm now throbbed.

“Please” he strained, that one little word causing me to huff before holding it out for him to take a look.

I heard the crowd gasp and against my better judgement I looked down only to feel my eyes roll to the back of my head, yep I shouldn’t have looked, especially when I heard Chucks ‘oh shit’ since there in front of me was my wrist which unfortunately seemed as if it was broken in half due to the bone splitting though.

“Baby stay with me, Chloe” was all I heard as someone mumble before everything went black, all I could think was I bet my day was only going to get worse.  

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