Chapter 10

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Hey guys,

Sorry for the long wait but I had a lot on with work and such so I was struggling to find the time to knuckle down and give you guys another chapter. But it is up now so I hope you enjoy and give me some votes and comments when telling me what you thought of it.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to comment and vote on my previous chapters, it really does make me get my butt moving with getting up another chapter and update for you all.

Read and enjoy, tell me what you think!

Lots of love


Chloe’s Pov

Following Jenny into the kitchen I couldn’t help but scan my surroundings, finding the pack house incredibly well decorated. Unlike mine it was more homely, it may have been bigger but I felt more at home here. Whether it was indeed the furniture or my grumpy mate who was currently still upstairs I didn’t know, but I had already decided what I was going to do with the whole Chuck situation.

I was going to ignore him. Well not ignore him per say, but I was going to keep out of his way so he could be happy. It was clear he didn’t want a mate, it hurt when I thought about it but the gaping hole in my chest and my screaming wolf calmed at the thought that me staying out of his way would make him happy. He may been a jerk but he was my mate, he may have treated me cruelly but I already cared for him, so I would do as he wished and stay out of his life.

I know I’m staying at his pack house due to my foolish father but that didn’t mean I was going to ease up on my plan, I was going to do the opposite. I had no choice but to stay here so while I am I will just act like everything is ok, even if it was anything but. I would stay out of his way and let him live his life how he wanted it, even if I knew my chances of true love were shattered when he treated me with rejection.

Taking in a deep breath to settle my nerves I continued to follow Jenny into the kitchen, scanning the room to find we were the only ones in there. Shrugging I took a seat at the table, watching her as she flipped on the kettle before grabbing two mugs.

“You want one?” she asked over her shoulder causing me to shrug, I knew I needed to make some friends here so I might as well try and give it a go at least.

“Sure but do you have hot chocolate, I don’t like tea and the smell of coffee makes me sick?” I asked just to be fussy, but it was in fact true. I thought tea tasted like disgusting water and the smell of coffee made me want to gag. Ick!

“I can already see why you’re his mate” I thought I heard her mutter but I couldn’t be sure, shrugging I decided to ignore it. It wasn’t like I wanted to get into the painful subject so I thought I would be better off leaving the whole Chuck subject alone.

I watched as she quickly made up the drinks, an almost secretive smile on her lips as if she knew something I didn’t. I scowled slightly, wondering what was going on in her head since I knew whatever it was concerned me.

“Here” she smiled, passing me the steaming mug as I breathed in deeply. It was times like this I loved having a sensitive sense of smell, the scent of hot chocolate drifting into my senses as I nearly moaned out loud at the aroma coming off my drink. I loved hot chocolate as long as it was nicely made, and Jenny definitely knew how to make a good hot chocolate.

“Thanks” I smiled as I took a large sip, ignoring the feeling as it burned my throat slightly due to the hot temperature of it. At the taste I did moan, gaining a grin from Jenny as she looked at me amused. She clearly hadn’t seen a person obsessed with hot chocolates before I thought with a smirk, I am special after all.

“You’re welcome. So I heard that you’re staying with us for a while?” she asked as she took the seat opposite me, looking me over in a manner which made me roll my eyes. It was a look which told me she was looking me over for any sense of threat, I couldn’t help but find it amusing since really shouldn’t she had done that before inviting me to stay?

“Yep, apparently my dad is having some difficulties with some rouges so sent me on a wild goose chase here to deliver a letter only to drop me in it, saying that I had to stay” I shrugged, still pissed at my dad for doing so. I could tell that he meant well, wanting to protect me, but I was one hell of a fighter and the fact he had sent me away when I could have helped annoyed me the most.

“Don’t you want to?” she asked with a frown, clearly confused with me not wanting to be here. I knew why, it wasn’t exactly a secret that I was the mate of their alpha and they expected me to try and win him over. To be honest I wasn’t going to, why would I set myself up for heartbreak when I knew it was going to end that way? He didn’t want me, he made that perfectly clear, I was nothing but an object to him, a possession that he wanted no one else to have. The thought made me have to blink back tears; thankfully Jenny chose not to comment as I quickly snapped out of it.

“No” I stated emotionlessly. No, I didn’t want to stay. I didn’t want to be constantly reminded that my chance at love was gone, that the one who was meant to accept me wholly and unconditionally didn’t want anything to do with me. Being around here was a constant reminder, even if it was something I knew I would never be able to forget however hard I tried to.

“Look, Chuck is-“ she started but I cut her off, I didn’t want to hear this after the morning I had just had. Being kicked out of your mates bed like I had didn’t put a person in a good mood, not even a vibrant and bubbly person like myself. The only perk was that it was the best night’s sleep I had ever had, but then again it could have been the opposite since the thought of having to sleep alone tonight had my wolf whimpering and my already sour mood souring.

“Look Jenny, to be honest with you I’m just not in the mood. Why don’t you tell me what’s fun to do around here?” I asked, feeling bad when her face dropped slightly when I told her I didn’t want to talk about it. My next question had her perking up instantly though, her eyes sparking with excitement and I knew right there and then that Jenny and I would be great friends in the very near future.

“Oh, there’s lots of things we can get up to!” she beamed before indulging into all the things she had already planned for us to get up to. I couldn’t help but laugh at her sudden excitement, liking her already as I chatted with her with a wide grin and a laugh.

It wasn’t until about half an hour had passed that a throat cleared from the doorway, both of our eyes snapping in that direction before I found myself swallowing hard as I took in the sight of my mate as he leaned causally by the door. He didn’t look happy, not at all. I had a feeling it was due to my presence and not Jenny’s, his hazel eyes locked onto mine as I stared at him nervously.

“What are you doing here?” he snapped out with a scowl, the fact my mate was talking to me in such a harsh tone making me have to fight the urge to flinch.

I tried not to meet his gaze, not wanting to see the hate he clearly had for me present in them. It hurt to see, my wolf whimpering painfully making me want to do nothing more than to curl up into a ball and cry myself to sleep. What had I done to deserve this?

“You told me I had to stay” I whispered, not realising I had done something wrong. I chanced a glance up at Jenny who was frowning deeply, but she wasn’t looking at either me or Chuck, clearly not wanting to anger him anymore than he already was. I hated feeling so weak, so helpless but when it came to my mate I couldn’t seem to help myself.

“I told you to get out!” He snapped loudly causing both me and Jenny to jump. My wolf practically cried out in pain at his words and tone, the feeling becoming too much for me to cope with as I quickly scrambled to my feet before rushing out the back door before another could utter a single word, not like they would….

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