Chapter 9

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Hey readers,

Sorry for taking so long with updating but I have had a lot on my plate with revision and exams so I am afraid I won’t be updating as regularly as I would have liked. But that doesn’t mean I am stopping the updates all together, I will still be updating all of my stories as quickly as I possibly can.

Sorry again.

Anyway thanks to all of you who voted, messaged me and commented on the story since I love to see how well it is going down. So thanks again.

With that here is the next chapter, sorry it is kind of short but what would you prefer. I can do quicker updates but they will be shorter, or I can do longer chapters but you will have to wait longer? Let me know and I will choice the option which is most popular.

With that read, comment and of course enjoy!

By the way though I noticed you all being a little harsh on my poor Chuck, I know he was a jerk but he has the right to be don’t you think? He hasn’t had the best of lives, but then again I suppose he did over step his mark when he hurt her.

Let me know your thoughts!

Lots of Love


Chloe’s Pov

As soon as I had shut the door behind me I let the tears fall down my cheeks, the salty water leaving a trail which felt like fire on my skin before I used the back of my hand to wipe them away roughly. I knew I wasn’t the prettiest or the sexiest female werewolf out there, far from it but was I that repulsive, that ugly that he couldn’t even stomach the thought of me in his bed? He had put me there after all, but it seemed as soon as he had come to his senses he had regretted it.

I shouldn’t have cared, he was a jerk and yet I found myself wanting to be around him. I knew my wolf was whimpering because of the sign of rejection when he had cruelly kicked me out, it wasn’t painful but it was uncomfortable since his worlds had left a gaping hole in my chest where my heart was. I didn’t know why he had suddenly turned on me like he did, he seemed generally concerned for me last night but I had a feeling it was all an act. He was the cause of it after all, it was strange how I continued to forget that small fact.

Sighing to myself I ran a hand through my thick curls, hating the way my wolf was trying to force me to re-enter the room that only seconds ago  I was told to leave from. He didn’t have to be cruel about it, I mean he was practically forcing me to move in here and yet he doesn’t like my presence? It stung I admit, considering when he showed his caring side I couldn’t help but find myself drawn to him like a moth is drawn to a flame.

I doubt he realised I that I had in fact saw the flash of emotion that had passed through his piecing hazel eyes as he stared at me, the fear and anger in those brown orbs. I didn’t know what he was scared of, he was an alpha so that was beyond me, but the anger I knew hadn’t been directed at me, but rather at himself. Something in his past was preventing him from wanting a mate, and while that realisation stung it didn’t hurt as much as it would have if he had rejected me for no other reason than to sleep around and want to life a single life.

With that thought I knew I had a choice. I could try and leave but I knew that even if he didn’t want me he wouldn’t allow it, he had not only given his word to my father but he was predictable. He doesn’t want me, but every time he would think that another may be interested it would set both him and his wolf off. It was pathetic, but I knew at least he had some sort of feelings for me – even if none of them were good…

“Hey, are you alright?” the voice of another female brought me out of my mental conversation, my head snapping to the left as I caught sight of a tall blonde approaching me. She looked to be about my age, maybe a little older but she was clearly mated. The smell of a male was all over her, not to mention her natural scent reeked of the muskiness of a male meaning she had been marked and therefore claimed.

“I’m fine. Hi I’m Chloe” I smiled as I held out my hand as a greeting, pouting slightly when I took note she was taller than my petite form. Sometimes I hated being small, but then again I loved it all the same. I wouldn’t change it, that’s what heels were for anyway. It was strange though, even though I was taller than average everyone seemed to tower over me, it was both off-putting and incredibly annoying.

“I’m Jenny” she grinned, her slightly thin lips curving into a smile as her eyes danced with humour. I vaguely wondered what she found so funny but chose not question it, to be honest I really didn’t care since I wasn’t exactly in the best of moods.

“Well Jenny it was nice to meet you, but I’d better go” I smiled slightly, giving her a soft look as I pulled my hand from hers. For some reason it seemed to displease her, my leaving and such since she quickly tried to think of a reason to get me to say. It was kind of nice when I thought about it, to be wanted in a place where I had felt nothing but emptiness, pain and rejection.

“It’s still early, why don’t you stay for breakfast at least” she smiled hopefully, a long sigh coming from my lips causing her to grin smugly before I found myself tugged into the kitchen. Yes, it was nice to be wanted here I thought, even if it was from a person I had only just met and not from the one wolf that I craved it from. 

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