Chapter 4: The battle for the artefact and the confession?

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Your POV.

"Mira...Mira!!" I cry as you are dragged further away from her. The shadow wraps itself around my mouth.

"Shut up your stupid brat... Do you realise WHO you're dealing with?" Hearing Kalel say infuriated "The Dark S-Class wizards of the Poisoned Fangs Guild and I'm the Shadow GOD slayers so just SHUT IT!!" Kalel raged on. I begin to activate my magic.

"Fire...Star...Starlight Blaze" I say through the shadows, with that an almost burning light appears breaking the shadows that bind me.

"What the hell?" Kalel looks stunned that I broke free of his shadows. Now's my chance, thrusting my hand in Kalel's direction I say

"Fire Star... Meteor Bolt" I manage to hit Kalel dead centre knocking him to the ground.

"Nice parlour trick little girl... But now it's time for some real power" Kalel laughed as he got up then wincing from where I hit him. "Shadow God Slayer... Dark Claw" Kalel lunges at me as you only manage to dodge a few of his attacks, Kalel snickers "quick on your feet ain't ya, but not quick enough" trying to scream from the pain of your wounds, I have just the opening I need.

"Fire Star... Starlight Blaze" shouting as my body burns brightly and that renders Kalel temporarily blind.

"You Bitch what have you done" Kalel snarls.

"Finishing you off" praying I have enough power left, I thrust out both of my hands together as 4 runed circles of light appear surrounding Kalel "Fire Star... Stardust Barrage" I shout breaking my hands apart as the brilliant shimmering dust starts attacking Kalel at all angles. Hearing him cry out in pain. The attack finally ends when Kalel collapses onto the ground

" could a runt like you beat me the...shadow god slayer" before he passes out.

Feeling exhausted I gather up my remaining strength to run back to Mira.... please be ok.

Mirajane's POV.

With (Y/N) taken by Kalel I can't waste any time, I must get her back. Suddenly I feel pain running through my body and fall to the floor.

"Oh, so you use take over magic... Well, I'll just take control of that for you" Selena says in a mocking tone but I scream in pain as my Satan Soul Halphas is torn away from me and made to work for Selena.

"You really shouldn't underestimate people Selena," I say getting up and transforming into my most power Satan Soul Sitri "I'm more than capable of beating the 2 of you" I add confidently. Throwing myself forward I rip into Halphas, taking her out in one shot, then heading for Skylar "Sorry kid but I have to win" I say throwing her hard against the tree knocking her out completely. "Now where did he take (Y/N)?" I demand grabbing Selena by the throat but she slips through using phasing magic "I don't know and quite frankly I don't care but I'm out of here" Selena said trying to make a run for it.

"Fire Star..." I heard a very familiar voice shouting behind me as runed circles appeared around Selena.

"What the hell is this?" Selena cries. As (Y/N) finishes her attack

"Stardust Barrage" (Y/N) shouts as shimmering balls fly out of the runed circles and hit Selena faster than she can use her magic until she collapses on the floor.

"Who are you?" Selena asked wearily.

"We're wizards from Fairy Tail," I say reverting back to my human form. "Oh (Y/N)" I say turning around but I can't see her.... Where is she? I begin to run in the direction I saw her and I find her collapsed face first on the floor. I kneel down on the floor, picking her up into my arms "(Y/N) ... (Y/N)!! are you alright? can you hear me? Please say something" I say as my tears are overflowing "did we get them?" I hear (Y/N)'s voice say quietly and softly into my ear. "Yeah, we sure did," I say holding (Y/N)'s body as close to me as I possibly can.

~Time skip the next afternoon~

Your POV.

I wake up with your head pounding "argh my head... what happened?" I say pulling my hand up to my head.

"We won" I hear a happy voice say next to me.

"Mira? We won?" I ask very confusedly.

"Yes we got the artefact back and the Poisoned Fangs members are in jail" Mira says quietly as she sits on the bed pulling me into a tight hug and keeps me there "I was so worried when you got taken by Kalel, I didn't know what to do" Mira starts to cry "All I knew was I had to get you back (Y/N) at any cost" Mira says as I bring one shaking hand on to her cheek wiping away her tears, then pulling her into a deep kiss. Mira doesn't pull away and you let the kiss continue. Once we do finally pull away from each other, blushing and a little short of breath.

"Mira... Mira...I love you" I finally confess to her "Mira the most precious person in the world to me is you" I pause but only for a moment "When you asked me if I had someone I liked, I wanted to say you... I even tried to tell you in the bar after we kissed but because of the mission, I couldn't... " I pause again to look up at Mira's face.

"I love you too (Y/N)" Mira says pulling me into another deep kiss and this time neither of you are letting go.

Mirajane's POV thoughts.

Ah (Y/N) and I confessed our love to each other and I'm so happy she accepted my feelings for her. All I want to do now is cuddle with her and never let her go. I really do love you so much (Y/N).

~Time skip next morning~

Your POV.

Mira and I leave our hotel, holding hands as we head towards the museum to return the artefact to Madison Kent. She'll be so pleased when we give it to her. Walking through Sage town the flower festival is in full swing. The streets and decorated with all the colours of the rainbow as flowers are covering the town "It's really beautiful this time of year" Mira says as you begin to turn around, Mira stops before I pull her into a hug.

"It's nowhere near as beautiful as you Mira" I whisper into Mira's ear and she blushes as I giggle and kisses her on the cheek "Come on we'd better get this necklace back to the museum," I say happily pulling Mira along to the museum.

We enter the museum and begin to walk to Madison's office when Madison herself comes flying around the corner "Did you manage to get it back?" Mira and I just looked at each other smiling as Mira pulls the necklace out of her bag "Oh thank heavens you got it back, I can't thank you enough" Madison says relieved while taking the necklace from Mira and placing it back in its case. "Right" Madison claps her hands together "How long are you planning to stay in Sage town? because I'll make arrangements for you to have dinner at our best restaurant tonight" Madison states "It's the least I can do to say thank you plus your reward of 500,000 Jewel for a job well done" Madison grins happily as she hands us the reward money, Mira takes it and puts it in her bag while not letting go of your hand "Oh I see, you 2 are an item... well I wish you all the best. My girlfriend and I have been together for 2 years now and we've never been happier" Madison hugs us and let us go on our way.

Mira and I spend the day going around the festival, seeing all the flowers, eating and drinking. We even got to watch the parade, as the sun starts to set on the day Mira and I head just a little out of town to a big oak tree on top of a hill. Once we reach the top I look over Sage town and think of how much has changed since I joined Fairy Tail.

"Mira, can I ask you something?" I ask looking at Mira hopeful.

"Sure (Y/N)" Mira says smiling back, I take a deep breath and turn towards her "Mira...please will you..." I say nervously "please will you be my girlfriend?" Mira just stares at you blankly "I mean I know we confessed our feelings for each other but I wanted to ask you to make it official" I babble and begin to blush as Mira just giggles.

"Of course, I'll be your girlfriend (Y/N)" Mira says while pulling me close to her, wrapping one arm around my waist and cupping my face with her other hand "I'll stay by your side forever (Y/N)" as she finishes Mira pulls my mouth to hers and kisses me until the sunsets.

Updated 10/02/2017: spelling and gammar updates

Authors notes: hi guys I love this chapter for obvious reasons... *coughs* confession *coughs* but the next chapter is going to be a lemon as you and Mira are moving forward in your relationship. If you guys have any feedback for improvements it will be greatly appreciated. Chapter 5 will be uploaded on Saturday and chapter 6 on Sunday. Thank you very much for reading, until next time :3 x

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