part 1

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One day a new boy walked in. He had a locker beside mine. His hair is brown and his eyes were the same color. I never stare at someone, But he's too stunning. He wear t-shirt with the number '10' on it and it was so cute on him.

I shook my head to bring back my consciousness. I thought I'm daydreaming. The boy looking at me weirdly and say,

"What are you looking at, weirdo?!."

I replied, "no, I'm just-"

Amber the cheerleader showed up from behind and say,

"Don't listen to her. She's a bit 'out there' , you know"

"Out there huh?" He said.

"Nerd. " And he pass by.

Amber grab his hand and they had a few conversation

"Stupid." I said to myself.

"Don't judge book by it's cover Jefferson." I mumble.

"Hey looks like the weirdo having a bit of a sparks fly on her head. " I turn back and I saw Chuck laughing while chewing his gum.

Everybody turn around.




"Step aside. " I said to chuck.

He's still laughing.

I walked past the crowed and some of them said

"Look at her"


And even boys says

"I can't find even a thing from her that's attractive."

My heart doesn't break.

It has been broken too many time.

I fasten my step and..

"Ouch!" I accidentally hit someone.

"You again?" Said the boy. The boy is the one who had the locker beside mine.

"I'm sorry"

"Moron." He said. Then walk pass me and stroking his shoulder.

"Oh God." I said to myself.

"This is going to be a long day."

Love Upon A Lie(Johnny Depp Fanfict) ✔Where stories live. Discover now