part 23

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The next day I'm arrived.

-two days passing by-

This is the second day and I already miss him so much.

"Hey sweetie, what is it? You look sad." Said mom.

"Where is dad?" I said to mom.

"He's in his office of course." Said mom.

"Anyway, I met Hank, lastweek" said mom again.

"Yes, he teach history at my school" I said.

"Really? He's smart. But he always wanted to be a teacher" said mom

"He also give me the map to the dermatologist that might help you" said mom again.

"Oh yes, he also said that to me" I nodded.

"How about we go there today?" Said mom

"Sounds like a good Idea!" I said.

It didn't take a long time to the dermatologist and she gave me a few lotion.

I hope this might help me solve this annoying skin problem.

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