part 3

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I arrived at the class and Mr. Stewart told us to do some exercise. I was writing and some boys on the back throwing some paper at me. Including Johnny.

I opened it and it was "<3" symbol and then some words were written under it.

"I LIE, moron."

And I suddenly dropped the paper and winds flew it and it landed on Mr. Stewart's desk.

"Miss Jefferson! I knew this belongs to you."

Everybody laughs.

I'm in shock.

"No, sir."

"I know it! You're the one who use ugly green marker to write."

Everybody laughs harder.

I shocked. I look at my pencilcase and my marker was gone. I knew chuck took it.

"The marker was mine sir but I don't write that. They throw it on my desk." I pointing at johnny.

"So, the new kid huh?" Said Mr. Stewart.

"But she punch me at the hall." Said johnny open the sleeves and show the marks

"I accidentally-"

"What a big gut you have miss." Said Mr. Stewart.

"You two must come to the detention room after the school. For 2 m o n t h s" said Mr. Stewart.

"Why-" I wondered

"You two forget that I'm also the principal and that means don't make any trouble on my class, you two understand????"

"Yes sir." We both nodded.

All the boys were laughing at John and I heard him mumbled.

"I rather be inside of the garbage can" said Johnny

All the boys laughing harder as I continue writing.

The time pass by and the time for detention is coming.

No one was there. Only me, and johnny.

He bring his guitar and played it nicely.

He played "ABC" by the J5.

"I thought you're kind of rock and roll guy." I said breaking the silenceness.

"You know nothing about me, nerd. No one knows." Said him.

"But don't ever say anything to anyone that I talked to you!" He said again.

"Why-" I said.

"Shut your little mouth moron. Do as I say." He said again.

"Okay. I don't even have a friend here. Who am I going to talk to. " I said.

"Ups." I covered my hand again.

I never be so open to a friend. Not even to a girl. But I feel so comfort around him.

"Because you're moron. Now shut" he said. And then played some classic songs.

Beautiful. I stare at him for a minute and then shook my head and turn my head to the other way. He still played the guitar. I take a look at him and he did the same at me. And everything goes black. I fall asleep.

"You little nerd. Wake up."

"Disgusting. you sleep on my shoulder."

"Go away"

I open my eyes and rubbing my face.


"Ew. " Said johnny.

"You? sleep? What a stupid girl you are" he said.

"I'm tired."

"Tired? Everyone here is tired." He said with a harsh tone.

"Sorry." I said again

"I had a band practise every day but I'm not sleeping on someone's shoulder like you"

"It's okay if you're pretty but you're not." He mumbled.

He look the other ways. And I look down look at the scars on my feet.

It's all because of the mosquitoes bites but it won't go away.

I never comfortable wearing some shorts, and even skirt.

he look at my feet and goes "Ew."

But it's alright, many people did that too. I'm getting used to it.

Love Upon A Lie(Johnny Depp Fanfict) ✔Where stories live. Discover now