part 5

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The clock is ticking and it's break time.

I open my locker to find my wallet and closed it back again. Johnny came and looked pissed off and giving me a strange look like he was about to punch me in the face.

I headed to the canteen and many people is starring and shouting,

"How does it feel to break your heart, huh?"

I'm not listening.

I took an apple, yoghurt, orange juice, and sandwich and headed to my little table. In the corner. My one and only place.

Even geeks won't talk to me.

Cause they think I'm too stupid to be geeks, but too ugly to be the populars

Johnny walked in and the room suddenly lights up.

Some guys shouting my name like,

"The muse is coming."

Johnny said "shut up you all"

And they stopped.

Johnny turning his head around and landing his eyes on mine. A huge anger is in his eyes.

I looked away. And continue eating.

After finishing my meal, I get up to throw the rubbish on the garbage can.

But some girls trapped me, causing me to fall on johnny's food with my face facing the food.

"Disgusting you junk" said johnny.

"Look" johnny pointing at his shirt that have some sauce on it

"It's all because of you" said johnny.

"I got tissues. " I said, handing him my tissue box.

"Keep that away from me" said johnny shouting.

"Oooh.. Oh no" people are shouting.

I get up and walk by with the food still hanging on my face.

"Let me help you with that" said the canteen lady to me.

"Thanks," I smile to her, and following her to the kitchen

Love Upon A Lie(Johnny Depp Fanfict) ✔Where stories live. Discover now