part 15

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The next morning....

I still in the middle of a shock when he suddenly showed up in front of me and say

"Hey, nerd." He continue

"Come with me?" And he pull my hand and run.

"Slower, John." I said.

"Stop." I said.

"Okay," he looks around.

No one there.

"The kiss yesterday,"

"Was just a friend kiss" he said.

"Okay " I said.

"Erased it from your memory, dumb" he said again. Then runaway.

I shook my head 3 times and then going to my class.

Johnny was there sitting on his chair.

Everybody were talking about the new Teacher.

Mr. Hunter. He was the youngest teacher here. Many girls fall in love with his blue eyes, but I had no interest in him.

But maybe the 'new and cute teacher' issue can distract all of the student's attention on me.

Finally, I can rest without being bullied, and threatened everyday.

Today is Mr. Hunter's lesson, History.

He walked into the room and Girls gone nuts. The boys also pay attention on him. Except, Johnny.

Me and Johnny aren't pay attention to mr. Hunter. Johnny were sketching, and I. I was in the middle of my own world, until...

"Hey young girl in the back!" Mr. Hunter pointed at me.

"What's your name" he said.

"Louisa Jefferson" I said.

"What a rare name you have" He said.

"But Beautiful" he continue.

Everygirl turn their heads around me. Giving me that look of jealousy. Including john. He look surprised.

"Okay, My name is Henry Herman Hunter" He said.

"I'm from milwaukee." He said again

"And you, Ms. Jefferson, looks like I know you for a long time." He said.

"My mom was raised there" I answered.

Many girls surprised. And Johnny break his pencil with his hand.

"What's wrong with him?" I mumble.

"Okay class, I guess this hour is not enough to started a lesson, cause I've just arrived here. I want some of you to introduce yourself" Mr. Hunter said.

*ringgg* suddenly the bell ring

I headed to the canteen and sit on my one and only place.

A man walking closer to me. All the girls in the canteen were looking at me like a lion looking at a fresh blooded meat.

Oh, It's Mr. Hunter.

"Good afternoon, sir" I said in a soft voice.

"Good afternoon" he said.

"You all alone?" He asked.

I nodded.

"By the way. seems like I know the jeffersons, your family" he said.

"Is your mother's name is isabella?" He asked.

"Yes, I said. How do you know?" I replied.

"She's my aunt"

All the girls tried to listen our conversation but we're talking with very low voice. And the canteen was quite noisy.

"Really? So, you're Aunt Taylor's son who studied in Japan?" I said.

"Yes, I'm hank." He said.

"Oh hank. I miss you" I said then hug him.

"I miss you too, lou angel." He said.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Since elementary school" he said.

"I used to teach you how to read. And I always bring you books, remember?" He said again

"Yes, yes.." I smiled.

"You don't change much, lou." He said.

"I never change." I said again.

"Your scars, are they gone?" He said.

"No. And I have to wear stockings every. Day. " I said in a soft tone.

"Oh, lou. I know some doctor in Japan that might help you " he said.

"I don't want to go to a surgeon" I said.

"Not a surgeon, lou. They'll give you lotions. You'll be alright." He said.

"I'll think about it, hank. Anyway, I'll going to a 3 weeks-trip with my father" I said.

"Really? Excellent, then" he said.

"Yes." I smiled.

"Seems like you got plenty fans here" I said.

"Oh, lou. But you always be the one."

"Anyway. I must go back to Mr. Principal's room" he said.

"Bye lou bear. " He said.

Then he whisper,

"I knew what you're going through, stay strong kid. Love you" he said then pat my shoulder.

Oh hank. He's my one and only brother. He used to be such a geek at school. Wearing those big glasses and skinny figure but he changed. A lot. But I know one thing that haven't change. His heart.

I shook my head to bring my consciousness. and I realize all the girls were looking at me, and Johnny. He stares at me. With a kind of expression that I don't know.

"Stay strong" I mumble

And I walk past the crowd.

"B*tch" they said to me.

"Teasing older guy, ew" they shout

"Disgusting, you dumb" they said.

I try not to listen, but someone throw a paper ball at me and I read it

"Meet me at the hall, "

I know it's Johnny.

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