part 7

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Today is a brand new day.

However, I'm feeling threatened by johnny's threat.

I walk pass the hall and the same thing happens,

They laughs at me.

I tried to open my locker but I can't find the key.

"When was the last time I opened it?" I said to myself

I guess I dropped it. I don't know where to find it. I go to the class without books and they give me some punishment like 'standing on one foot' and I did it all.

After a few hours doing punishments, I look at johnny and he's having my key on his hand.

"Catch it. Moron!" He said.

"Oh.." It landed on the toilet and he pushed my face to it.

He left me breathless and shocked. And he ran away.

After washing my face and change my clothes, I open my locker to find my stocking.

But I couldn't find it.

That's my one and only stocking.

Without it, I can't even wear a skirt.

But I find my skirt has been cut into a very short skirt.

And johnny pat me on the back.

"You want this?" He hold my stocking and tear it with scissor in front of me and cut my sport pants into a very short pants.


He throw it and left me behind.

I pick my broken stocking and everybody is laughing. Like it was a show.

I heard someone blew the whistle. It was the school coach, mr. Chris.

"You! Ms. Jeffrerson! You always late for my lesson. You always failed on the test."

"NOW GO CHANGE!" Said mr. Chris.

"But my pants-"

"Change!!!' Said mr. Chris again.

I fix my glasses and walk into the bathroom to change.

"This is too short" I mumbled.

My legs looks ugly.

I don't wear the stocking.

Nothing's covering my scar.

And I walk through the hall and every eyes were staring at my legs.

"Ooh, looks who's try to blending in?" Some mean girls shouting

"But she failed" said a girl

"Hahhah" they all laughing

"Looks like someone forgot to put something to cover her scars"

"But wait.. It's too much scars to be covered up"

"She need a water color to cover it instead."

"Oooh pity her" they mumbled.

I look down as the boys goes




And shaking their heads.

I don't care. But someone did.

"Ms. Jefferson!!!"

"That's not polite that you wear a pants that short to school"

"Go to the principal room. Now!"

After a few punishments, (again) they let me go.

And the detention time is arrived.

I walked in and I already changed into a proper-length pants.

Johnny was already there.



After all he has done to me, not even a single feeling go away.

I'm still got that stupid butterfly when I looked at him.

I looked down and fix my glasses.

I took a few seat far from johnny.

Johnny turn back and asking

"You having fun today, moron?" He ask me

I keep silent.

"Hey nerd!?" He said.

I keep silent.

We all keep silent til the time to go home is arrived.

I pat him on the back and he jump.

"Ew. Don't touch me."

"I just want to give you this. You dropped it tomorrow." I said handing him a paper.

He stared at me confused and opened it.

"Stay out of my problem weirdo" he said that walked away.

"Hmmm" I mumbled. And walked home.

I saw johnny starring at his paper for a moment inside his new car. He's smiling and put the paper on his bag. And started the machine.

I don't pay attention to the street cause I've been looking at johnny, so I hit the pole.


I saw johnny looking at me and then drive his car away. Leaving the dust infront of me.

"Stupid girl" I said to myself.


I'm sorry that Johnny had to be so mean :D I just try something. different.. #kisses

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