Chapter 1

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Parabatai. A simple word that means so much. A sibling, a best friend, a warrior. Your better half. Someone you put above all else. Someone you would die for and them for you. Someone who knows what your thinking before you do. Every breath. Every step. Every thought. Your together.

Cecilia's POV- 6 years ago (10 years old)

     I'm walking through Brooklyn State Park to the nearest 7/11 to get something for my mother. Dad was off on a business trip, and mom was sick, so I've been her caretaker for a while. It was 6 PM, but being winter, the sun had already set.
     Nobody was out at this time, in this weather. The only people out were me, and 3 other people heading the opposite way, facing me.
     Keep your head down and don't talk to them, I thought, if they grab me, yell Stranger Danger. But my curiosity got the best of me, and I looked up.
     The girl looked my age, but she looked like a fairytale princess, with icy blue eyes and perfect blond hair. She was in the middle of two boys. One looked only slightly older than me, with wavy golden blond hair and golden eyes. The other looked the oldest, but not that much older, with short black hair and blue eyes.
     The girl froze when seeing me. She looked between me and the golden boy, and walked up to me. She was easily a head taller than me.
     "Hey!" She said to me. I looked at her, startled.
     "Your name's Cecilia, right?"
     How did she know my name? I didn't like this.
     I started to turn away, but she grabbed my arm. She was incredibly strong for her age.
     The boys grabbed me, firmly, but gently, like they were scared of breaking me.
     "Jace, Alec, stop that. You're going to break her." 
     They let go of me, and before I could run, the girl linked arms with me and started walking, pulling me along.
     "We're going to be the best of friends!"

Ashlynn's POV


"Jace?" He asked

"Yeeeees?" Jace answered

"Throw her into the fountain." He said

"Absolutely not!" I paused as I saw a girl come into view. "Jace... Jace put me down." I said quietly.

He nodded and put me down. Is that her? Is that the new shadowhunter? Is she nice? I walked in between the two older boys and placed my hand on my dagger that was in the waist of my leggings. I pulled it out keeping in hidden behind my back. The girl looked down, away from us and I could see she was having an war with herself trying not to look up. When she finally did her eyes widened as she looked at me. Her eyes flicked to Jace, Alec, and then back to me.

"Hey!" I said. Her eyes widened once more. "Your name's Cecilia, right?

She was obviously startled. She started to back away, so I grabbed her arm.

The boys grabbed her arms and dragged her along.

"JACE! ALEC! Stop it!" I snarled. "You're going to break her."

They glared at me and let her go. I simply smiled and linked my arm with hers. She looked so frightened, the poor girl.

"We're going to be the best of friends!"

-----Time skip-----

"So what'cha think?" I asked Cilia that's right. I knew her for less than two hours and we already have nicknames for each other, Cilia and Ash. 

"I think you have a really big house."she giggled I joined in her giggling and tugged her towards the kitchen.

"Sit." I spoke.

She listened and sat down on the counter and watched as I opened the fridge.

"Hungry?" I asked.

"A bit." She responded.

"What can I get you? Snack or dinner?" I asked.

"Snack." She answered.

"How about cheetos?"

"Sounds good."

I grabbed a big bowl and shoved the cheetos in the bowl before pulling Cilia of the counter and pulling her into my room.

"Wow!" She spoke in awe.

"What?" I asked her.

"Your room's HUGE!" I looked around, this is one of the smaller rooms in the institute.

"Yeah it is." I said "Now follow me."

"Where are we going?" She asked as I pulled her to Maryse.

"Maryse?" I asked as she looked away from the papers piled on top of each other.

"Yes dear?" She asked.

"This is Cecilia Grace Blueshade." I answered quietly.

"I see." She said.

"Would you like me to go prepare her room while you speak with her?" I asked trying to be polite and save Cilia from Maryse for a bit longer.

"Yes please Ashlynn." She said simply. Now what?

"Its to the left of my room. Correct?" I asked, delaying once more the inevitable.

"Yes dear, now go." She said and added after a moment "and bring Jace, Alec, and Isabelle with you!"

Good luck Cilia.

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