Chapter 26

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Flashback Leia age 4

Emma's POV

My mom and I have lived in our family home since I was a little girl, but I was time Leia and I got our own home just for us.

"Emma are you sure you want to move out I love having you and Leia here." My mom says to me.

"I love it too mom, but this is your home." I tell her.

I went upstairs to Leia's room she was playing dressing up with Mary-Margaret.

"Look mommy I made her pretty." Leia says.

"That you did." I say.

"Dont move you need a crown." Leia tells her.

"But Leia Im not a princess." Mary-Margaret says.

"Yes you are. Your Snow White." Leia says putting a Snow White tiara on Mary-Margaret's head.

"Well thank you Leia." Mary-Margaret says.

"Your Welcome Snow White." Leia says and bows down to her.

"Okay cutie its nap time." I tell her.

"But Mommy.." Leia whines.

"Bed." I say.

"Yes Mommy." She says and lays in her bed.

I walked out of the room and Mary-Margaret followed me.

"Em are you sure leaving this home is a good idea?" She asks me.

"Yeah I have been here for so long. Its time for something new." I say.

"Want me to come with you?" She asks.

"No I think I got it." I say.

I looked all over town and found one place, but I wasnt taking it because that one place is the old home of Killian Jones, but I dont think I need a new home after all. My old one is just fine.

Present Day.

Emma's POV

People have been looking at me everywhere I went. I was confused buy this, but then remembered I was attacked and my daughter is missing. I walked into the sheriff station.

"Emma I have news." Graham says.

"Leia, did you find her?" I ask him.

"No, Im sorry, but I guess an old detective wants to do one last mission. I sent the new york people the info and he will help." He says.

"Do you know who he is? Do we get to meet him?" I ask.

"No, its anonymous. They said its better this way. That way just incase the person out there doesnt find out who he is." He says.

"At this point I dont care who this helper is along as I get my daughter unharmed and home." I say to him.

"I know and you will get her. I promise you." He says and hugs me

Flashback Leia age 16

Leia's POV

I was going through my mom's stuff there has to be something about my father on here. She wont tell me so I have to look. I found an Old photo of her and some guy. Not just any guy. Killian Jones.

"Emma and Killian's first official date." I read what it said aloud.

"Leia, Im home." My mom says.

I didnt reply. Then I saw a small picture of my mom pregnant.

"Killian will never know his daughter." I read the back of the photo.

"LEIA WHERE ARE YOU!" My mom yells.

"COMING!" I yell back.

I couldnt believe it the Killian Jones is my father.

Present Day.

Killian's POV

"Its done." Hades say.

"Whats done? Can I go home?" Leia asks.

"No, I just got the info on the person." Hades tells her.

"Well read it." I say.

"They have no idea who he or she is. They also dont know if the person is still around or left." He says.

"Great detective work." Liam says.

"Leia are you okay?" I ask her.

"Im fine. Really. Im great." She says.

"We talked about this I know that move. Now talk to me." I say to her.

"Well Im just unsure if this will ever be solved." She says.

"It will be. It will take time, but you have to have faith okay." I tell her.

"I know, its kinda hard when some crazy person might be out somewhere ready to kill me." She says.

"Hey we wont let that happen. I wont let that happen." I say to her.

"I think I need to just sleep this off." She says and walks away.

They guys all looked at me.

"Would you look at that." Rumple says.

"Seems Killian has got a soul after all." David says.

"Shut up. My brother is trying to just help her out that way she can return to her life before us." Liam says.

"Is that whats going to happen when she leaves?" Neal asks.

"Yeah are we going back to our old ways once she goes?" Robin asks.

I never really thought about what would happen when Leia eventually does leave.

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