Chapter 40

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Flashback Killian age 16
(5 months after he left)

Killian's POV

Our first official show as signed band. I was nervous nothing can hold me back. There is nothing standing in my way. I opened my guitar case and saw a photo of Emma.

"Killian, Who is that a photo of?" Albert asks.

"Umm just a girl. I know." I say.

"Is she important to you?" He ask.

I looked at him and remembered a conversation with Albert.

"No she isnt important to me at all." I tell him.

"Good now throw it away." He tells me.

I looked at the photo and threw it in the trash. Albert then set it on fire.

"Uhh." I say.

"Well its for the best Killian. As for this girl Im thinking she hates you anyway. Forget about her you will have your choice of any woman out there after this show." He says and walks away.

Its true Emma and I will never be again, and I like the idea of plenty of women around me. Over time if would be as Emma never existed.

Present Day.

Leia's POV.

"Come here child!" Albert Spencer says to me.

"Umm yeah." I say to him.

"This is for you." He says and hands me a check.

"Oh umm no thanks." I say and hand it back.

"Your not taking the money?" He asks.

"No why would I?" I ask.

"Because your a girl and you played for Killian when he was hurt and you will be playing for him at least one more night. And you dont want the money." He says.

"Look Im doing this out of the goodness of my heart Killian is hurt so I choose to help." I say.

"Was that how you were raised?" He asks.

"Actually yes. My family raised me this way." I say.

"What family hides your own father from you?" He asks.

"People trying not to relive the past. People who want to protect me." I say.

"You have an attitude." He says.

I just walked away from him an bumped into Killian.

"Killian hi." I say to him.

"Was he giving you a hard time?" He asks.

"Nothing I couldnt handle." I say to him.

"Well I should worn you he can be a tad rude." He says.

"Albert Spencer is a tad rude, but Regina and Zelena Mills are even more rude." I say.

"I forgot you were around them." He says.

"Yeah the two of them I have always been around them over the years I learned how to spot people like them and handle them before they make a scene." I tell him.

"Well at least you can handle it. Hey Leia this question is bugging me. I never found the right time to ask." He says.

"What question?" I ask him.

"Did your mother like ever tell you why she never told me?" He asks.

"Im sorry Killian, but no. Like I said anytime bringing the word father up she and every single one of them changed the topic, but when Im finally free to go home I could ask." I say to him.

"No its okay. It doesnt matter." He says.

"Well, if you change your mind let me know." I say to him.

"So, anyway whats one thing you like to do? Other then writing, photography, and music?" He asks.

"There is one more thing I like to do, maybe you can help me." I say.

"Sure whats that?" He asks.

"Getting people things they want." I tell him.

"Wait are you tell him if I ask you to go get a coffee for Starbucks you will?" He ask.

"Okay so thats black coffee, one cream, two sugars." I say writing it down.

"How'd you know that?" He asks me.

"Thats what you have asked people to get you everyday since I got here." I tell him.

"Okay Leia why? Why are you doing this now? You wernt before." He says.

"True, but before I was in fear and now Im not. I finally feel safe and getting you guys what you want is the only way I can repay you." I tell him.

"Im guess you also spent a ton of time with Mary-Margaret, Belle, and Elsa?" He asks.

"Yeah the are the sweetest and most likely the only one to understand why I left home. While Zelena, Regina, and Milah might take time. As for my mom she will most likely trap me in my room for leaving." I say.

"Well Leia you dont need to repay us." He says.

"Worried the boys will take advantage of my kindness?" I asks.

"Yeah. You wont have to worry about me, Liam, or Robin. The others will." He says.

"Well then maybe we should go back to one of the three I do best." I say.

"That would be?" He asks.

"Time for me to play guitar and you have to sing. Lets rehearse." I say to him.

We got back on the bus and started practicing with the others.

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