Chapter 32

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Flashback Leia age 4

Ingrid's POV

I was with Leia in out and about in town and she wanted to go to the park. Leia has gotten so big it seems only yesterday Leia was just a little baby.

"Hello Miss.Ingrid." Graham says to me.

"Oh hello sheriff." I say to him.

"Spending sometime with your granddaughter?" He questions.

"Yeah I am. Emma is busy so I dont mind." I tell him.

"Wow she is looks so much like Emma." He says to me.

"No I say she looks more like her father, but dont tell Emma I said that." I say.

"Okay now I see it." He says.

I got a text from my coworker and I had to go check on something.

"Umm Leia we have to go sweetie." I say.

"But I playing." She says.

"Whats the problem at the shop?" Graham asks.

"Just the cooling system again. I like to fix it. Leia come on." I say.

"You know what I could keep an eye on her." He says.

"Thank you. If she gets fussy take her to my shop." I say.

After a few hours I went home I couldnt help, but feel like I was forgetting something.

"Mom, where have you been?" Emma asks me.

"I was working on the cooling system at work." I tell her.

"Well werent you suppose to be watching someone today?" She asks.

"Oh my dear god. Leia." I say.

"Yeah, wheres my daughter?" Emma asks.

"She is in the car." I say.

I ran all over the town, but Leia wasnt nowhere and Graham said I took her. I went back home and saw Emma.

"Wheres Leia?" Emma asks again.

"I might have left her at the park with Graham, but now I dont know where she is now. Im sorry Emma." I tell her.

"Hi Grandma." Leia says from the kitchen.

"I told you guys to keep her in the kitchen." Emma says.

"She was the one to run this way." Regina says.

"She ran around in circles and hid from us." Zelena says.

"So you made me think I lost my granddaughter." I say to Emma.

"I can explain." She says.

"No I get I left your daughter and I should be punished. Leia Im sorry I left you alone with Graham." I say.

"Its okay. Right when you left mommy came to see me." Leia tells me.

"So right when I left mommy just came up to you?" I ask her.

"Yep." She says and skips away.

Present Day.

Leia's POV

I walked off the bus and it was late at night. I know I shouldnt be out at night, but I had to do this fast. I had the strange feeling someone was following me. I got where I needed to be when I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I wanted to scream by no sound would come out. I just jumped and froze in place.

"If I was an attacker you'd be dead." I heard Killian say.

"God damn it. Killian you scared me." I say to him.

"Well you were the one who walked out of the bus at night alone. Are you insane?" He asks me.

"Maybe I am." I say.

"Whats in your hand?" He asks.

"Nothing." I say.

"A letter. Didnt Hades tell you not to send that?" He asks.

"My mom must know Im okay. I cant let her think bad things are happening to me." I say to him.

"Are bad things happening to you?" He asks.

"Well no." I say.

"Then theres no need to send." He says.

"Killian I know Im fine, but how can she know it herself?" I ask him.

"Leia look at me. You have to just find something else to think about. You are fine and once this is over your mother will know your safe." He says.

"I guess your right." I say to him.

"Now come on lets get back on this bus its not safe out here." He says.

I followed him back on to the bus. It was true I now know that to be safe is to just stay on the bus.

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